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Developed and maintained by the Division of Legislative Automated Systems.


Convened January 11, 2012
Adjourned sine die March 10, 2012
Reconvened April 18, 2012
Adjourned sine die April 18, 2012

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(P) Passed (F) Failed (V) Vetoed (I) Incoporated into other legislation
(C) Carried over
Alcoholic beverage control; suspension of license for local tax delinquency. Adding § 4.1-226.1. (Patron-Cosgrove, HB 230 (C))
Assessments for local improvements, special; adds City of Hampton to lists of localities that may impose. Amending § 15.2-2404. (Patron-Ward, HB 203 (Chapter 404); Locke, SB 32 (Chapter 186))
Bank franchise tax; apportionment. Adding § 58.1-1204.2. (Patron-Massie, HB 323 (F))
Business license or land use authorization, local; conditions of issuance. Amending §§ 15.2-2286 and 58.1-3700. (Patron-James, HB 842 (Chapter 304); Blevins, SB 308 (Chapter 318))
Business, professional, and occupational license (BPOL) tax; certain localities required to assess on Virginia taxable income. Amending § 58.1-3702. (Patron-Cole, HB 24 (F))
Business, professional, and occupational license (BPOL) tax; maximum fee and tax rates established by a locality, taxable income of corporations, etc. Amending §§ 58.1-3702 and 58.1-3706. (Patron-Cole, HB 10 (C))
Charitable gaming; authorizes jumbo bingo. Amending §§ 18.2-334.2, 18.2-340.16, 18.2-340.18, 18.2-340.19, 18.2-340.22, 18.2-340.28, 18.2-340.33, and 58.1-3732.1; adding §§ 18.2-340.28:1 and 18.2-340.34:2. (Patron-Albo, HB 473 (F))
Charitable gaming; authorizes network bingo. Amending §§ 18.2-334.2, 18.2-340.16, 18.2-340.19, 18.2-340.22, 18.2-340.28, 18.2-340.33, and 58.1-3732.1; adding §§ 18.2-340.28:1 and 18.2-340.34:2. (Patron-Vogel, SB 452 (C))
Cigarette and other tobacco products; increases tax rates. Amending §§ 32.1-366, 58.1-1001, 58.1-1018, 58.1-1021.02, and 58.1-1021.05. (Patron-Hope, HB 160 (F))
Cigarette tax; prohibits locality from restricting owner of business from transferring stamped cigarettes from one business location to another. Amending § 58.1-3832. (Patron-Hugo, HB 1079 (C))
Cigarette tax stamps, local; same technology used or required by State. Amending § 58.1-3832. (Patron-Peace, HB 277 (Chapter 89); Hanger, SB 394 (Chapter 258))
Cigarettes; repeals statute authorizing localities in administering and enforcing local taxes. Repealing § 58.1-3832. (Patron-Hugo, HB 1081 (C))
Coal severance tax; codifies manner in which it is calculated and is declarative of existing local practice. Amending § 58.1-3712. (Patron-Kilgore, HB 712 (F))
Coal tax credits; repeals coal employment and production incentive and coalfield employment enhancement tax credits. Amending §§ 58.1-433.1, 58.1-439.2, and 58.1-2626.1. (Patron-Toscano, HB 446 (F))
Coalfield employment enhancement tax credit; eliminates sunset date. Amending § 58.1-439.2. (Patron-Puckett, SB 616 (I) See SB609)
Coalfield employment enhancement tax credit; extends sunset date. Amending § 58.1-439.2. (Patron-O’Quinn, HB 1192 (Chapter 309); Carrico, SB 609 (Chapter 649))
Combined heat and power facilities; incentives. Amending §§ 56-585.1 and 58.1-3660. (Patron-Wagner, SB 505 (C))
Commercial space flight; funding and oversight. Amending §§ 2.2-2201, 2.2-2202, 2.2-2203, 2.2-2204, 2.2-2213, 2.2-2215, 33.1-23.03:2, 33.1-23.7, 58.1-423, and 58.1-638; adding §§ 2.2-2203.1 through 2.2-2203.4. (Patron-May, HB 813 (Chapter 779); Herring, SB 284 (Chapter 817))
Commonwealth Innovation Investment Fund; created. Adding §§ 2.2-2233.3, 58.1-550, and 58.1-551. (Patron-Herring, SB 579 (F))
Condominium and Property Owners’ Association Acts; foreclosure on lien for unpaid assessments, priority of certain liens. Amending §§ 55-79.84, 55-79.97, and 55-516. (Patron-Watts, HB 412 (F))
Condominium and Property Owners’ Association Acts; lien for assessments, priority. Amending §§ 55-79.84, 55-79.97, and 55-516. (Patron-Sickles, HB 1256 (C))
Constitutional amendment; real property tax exemption for certain surviving spouses of disabled veterans (first reference). Amending Section 6-A of Article X. (Patron-Barker, SJR 74 (C))
Consumer utility tax; exempts public utilities and electric cooperatives from tax on natural gas when used to generate electricity. Amending § 58.1-3814. (Patron-Loupassi, HB 103 (Chapter 4); Wagner, SB 519 (Chapter 582))
Corporate tax credit; taxes paid in another state. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-May, HB 811 (F))
Courthouses; exception from prohibition against carrying weapon for city and county treasurers. Amending § 18.2-283.1. (Patron-Sherwood, HB 288 (Chapter 295))
Domestic tobacco; incentive payments for use by nonparticipating manufacturers of cigarettes. Amending § 58.1-439.15:01. (Patron-O’Quinn, HB 1204 (F); Puckett, SB 618 (F))
Equalization, Board of; Loudoun County board of supervisors to appoint members. Amending § 58.1-3373. (Patron-May, HB 801 (F))
Estate tax; reinstated for persons dying on or after July 1, 2012. Amending §§ 32.1-127, 58.1-901, 58.1-902, 58.1-905, and 58.1-912. (Patron-Watts, HB 419 (F))
Evaluate Tax Preferences, Joint Subcommittee to; established, report. Adding §§ 30-330, 30-331, and 30-332. (Patron-Landes, HB 777 (Chapter 777))
Farm utility vehicles; allows locality to exempt from taxation those used exclusively for agricultural purposes. Amending § 58.1-3505. (Patron-Fariss, HB 743 (Chapter 272))
Farm wineries and vineyards tax credit; raises credit to $500,000 for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2012. Amending § 58.1-339.12. (Patron-Garrett, HB 1194 (C))
Food and beverage tax; authorizes Floyd County to impose. Amending § 58.1-3833. (Patron-Rush, HB 795 (F))
Fuels taxes; indexing of tax rates. Amending §§ 58.1-2201, 58.1-2217, 58.1-2249, 58.1-2701, and 58.1-2706. (Patron-Petersen, SB 162 (I) See SB631)
Grantor trusts; prohibits creditors from compelling trustee to exercise his discretionary authority to pay income taxes on trust income. Amending §§ 55-277.26 and 55-545.05. (Patron-Stuart, SB 432 (Chapter 718))
Hampton, City of; added to list of localities authorized to have special commissioner execute title to real estate with delinquent taxes or liens. Amending § 58.1-3970.1. (Patron-Ward, HB 202 (Chapter 87); Locke, SB 33 (Chapter 610))
Highway Construction Projects Trust Fund; established. Amending §§ 33.1-268, 33.1-269, 33.1-277, 58.1-603, 58.1-604, 58.1-605, 58.1-606, 58.1-609.1, 58.1-609.10, 58.1-638, 58.1-2217, 58.1-2249, 58.1-2261, 58.1-2289, 58.1-2701, and 58.1-2706; adding § 33.1-23.03:11. (Patron-Alexander, HB 892 (F))
Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund; dedicates portions of certain taxes for transportation funding. Amending §§ 58.1-638 and 58.1-2531. (Patron-Albo, HB 898 (F))
Historic rehabilitation tax credit; any gain or income under federal law relating to allocation of credit would not be gain or income for State tax purposes. Amending § 58.1-339.2. (Patron-Cole, HB 531 (Chapter 92); Vogel, SB 444 (Chapter 639))
Home school instruction tax credit; includes amount paid for materials and correspondence courses or distance learning programs. Adding § 58.1-339.13. (Patron-Ramadan, HB 1006 (C))
Incentives, local; authorizes local government to provide regulatory flexibility to defense contractors. Amending §§ 58.1-3245.12 and 58.1-3853. (Patron-Torian, HB 406 (Chapter 91))
Income tax; provides definition of tax for purposes of certain tax credits paid to another state or foreign country. Adding § 58.1-332.2. (Patron-Stosch, SB 681 (Chapter 292))
Income tax, corporate; combined reporting requirements. Adding §§ 58.1-423.1 through 58.1-423.6. (Patron-Scott, J.M., HB 1267 (C))
Income tax, corporate; corporations not allowed to claim tax credit to reduce tax below $250. Amending § 58.1-400. (Patron-Englin, HB 1030 (F))
Income tax, corporate; creates industrial building rehabilitation tax credit. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Stanley, SB 68 (C))
Income tax, corporate; credit for contracting with small or minority-owned, veteran-owned, or women-owned businesses. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Habeeb, HB 228 (C))
Income tax, corporate; Department of Taxation shall assess manufacturing companies with additional taxes based on annual number and average wage of full-time employees. Amending § 58.1-422. (Patron-Byron, HB 460 (Chapter 427))
Income tax, corporate; eliminates tax for taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2013. Repealing §§ 58.1-400 through 58.1-423, 58.1-432 through 58.1-439.12:10, and 58.1-500 through 58.1-504. (Patron-Cline, HB 248 (C))
Income tax, corporate; entity in Virginia to receive tax credit equal to amount of income tax paid in another state for sales in that state. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Watkins, SB 78 (F))
Income tax, corporate; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study phase-out of tax. (Patron-McWaters, SJR 85 (C))
Income tax, corporate; lower tax rate for certain businesses. Amending § 58.1-400. (Patron-Ransone, HB 149 (C); Stanley, SB 61 (C))
Income tax, corporate; requires retail companies to use a sales factor apportionment formula for tax payment. Amending § 58.1-408; adding § 58.1-422.1. (Patron-Ware, R.L., HB 154 (Chapter 86); Watkins, SB 49 (Chapter 666))
Income tax, corporate; tax credits for donations to non-profit organizations providing assistance to low-income families, eligible students with disabilities, and certain scholarship foundations. Amending §§ 58.1-439.18 through 58.1-439.21 and 58.1-439.24; adding §§ 58.1-439.25 through 58.1-439.28. (Patron-Stanley, SB 131 (Chapter 731))
Income tax, corporate; tax credits for donations to non-profit organizations providing assistance to low-income families, eligible students with disabilities, and certain scholarship foundations. Amending §§ 58.1-439.18 through 58.1-439.21 and 58.1-439.24; adding §§ 58.1-439.25 through 58.1-439.28; repealing third enactment of Chapter 851, 2009 Acts. (Patron-Massie, HB 321 (Chapter 842))
Income tax credits, public-private partnerships, and other public-private investment programs; House and Senate Committees on Finance to study and determine multiplier effects of various types. (Patron-Purkey, HJR 85 (P))
Income tax, state; advances conformity with federal law. Amending §§ 58.1-301 and 58.1-322. (Patron-Purkey, HB 516 (Chapter 2); Stosch, SB 463 (Chapter 578))
Income tax, state; conformity with federal law. Amending § 58.1-301. (Patron-Massie, HB 1153 (Chapter 335); Stosch, SB 462 (Chapter 480))
Income tax, state; creates deductions for life, medical, and dental insurance premiums. Amending § 58.1-322. (Patron-Purkey, HB 517 (C))
Income tax, state; credit for solar energy equipment systems. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Sickles, HB 883 (C))
Income tax, state; deconforms State laws from two provisions of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Amending § 58.1-301. (Patron-Black, SB 673 (C))
Income tax, state; deduction for certain purchases from space flight entities. Amending § 58.1-322. (Patron-Kilgore, HB 19 (F))
Income tax, state; deduction for tolls. Amending § 58.1-322. (Patron-Rust, HB 862 (C))
Income tax, state; deductions for life, medical, and dental insurance premiums for an individual age 66 or older with certain earned income. Amending § 58.1-322. (Patron-Purkey, HB 518 (C))
Income tax, state; extension of time to file tax return. Amending § 58.1-344. (Patron-Toscano, HB 1264 (F))
Income tax, state; increases long-term care insurance credit. Amending § 58.1-339.11. (Patron-Garrett, HB 505 (C); Newman, SB 341 (C))
Income tax, state; military retirement pay subtraction. Amending § 58.1-322. (Patron-Kilgore, HB 130 (C))
Income tax, state; subtraction for certain death benefit payments. Amending § 58.1-322. (Patron-Sickles, HB 879 (Chapter 305))
Income tax, state; tax credit for disabled military veterans. Adding § 58.1-339.13. (Patron-Kilgore, HB 131 (C))
Income tax, state; tax credit for hiring military persons as STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) interns. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Anderson, HB 1050 (C))
Income tax, state; tax credit for taxpayers employing persons in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) internship positions. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Anderson, HB 1049 (C))
Income tax, state; taxation of trusts established for disabled individuals. Amending §§ 58.1-322 and 58.1-360. (Patron-Filler-Corn, HB 1155 (C))
Income tax, state and corporate; credit for service renewable energy property. Amending § 58.1-439.2; adding §§ 58.1-331.1 and 58.1-431.1. (Patron-Kory, HB 1170 (C))
Income tax, state and corporate; deduction for investors in small businesses. Amending §§ 58.1-322 and 58.1-402. (Patron-Villanueva, HB 335 (F))
Income tax, state and corporate; extends subtraction for capital gains from investments in qualified businesses. Amending §§ 58.1-322 and 58.1-402. (Patron-Comstock, HB 1013 (Chapter 96); Herring, SB 226 (Chapter 256))
Income tax, state and corporate; tax credit for hiring certain individuals released from incarceration. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Englin, HB 1023 (F))
Income tax, state and corporate; tax credit for hiring veterans. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Keam, HB 1041 (C))
Intangible personal property tax; classification of certain machinery and tools. Amending § 58.1-3507. (Patron-Purkey, HB 512 (F))
Land conservation tax credit; transfer in event of death. Amending § 58.1-513. (Patron-Deeds, SB 352 (F))
Land preservation tax credit; application for credits prior to any donation. Amending § 58.1-512. (Patron-Minchew, HB 908 (C))
Land preservation tax credit; Department of Taxation to publish and annually update a list that identifies for each county and city aggregate number of acres for which credits were issued. Adding § 58.1-514. (Patron-Deeds, SB 355 (F))
Land preservation tax credit; increased for working farmers. Amending §§ 58.1-511 and 58.1-512. (Patron-Hanger, SB 403 (C))
Land preservation tax credit; reduces amount that may be claimed for taxable years 2012 and 2013. Amending § 58.1-512. (Patron-Brink, HB 1268 (C))
Legislation; introduction of bills referring to taxes. Adding § 30-19.1:6.1. (Patron-Marshall, R.G., HB 68 (F))
Legislation; prohibits any committee of General Assembly from reporting new state tax credit or renewing an existing state tax credit, exception. Adding § 30-19.1:11. (Patron-Cline, HB 246 (Chapter 265))
License tax; uniform ordinances. Amending § 58.1-3703.1. (Patron-Puckett, SB 154 (F))
License tax business classifications and tax rates, local; Department of Taxation to study. (Patron-Landes, HJR 4 (F))
License tax, local; ordinances that levy taxes on severing of oil, coal, or gas from earth, report. Amending § 58.1-3713.3. (Patron-Kilgore, HB 1233 (Chapter 665); Puckett, SB 658 (Chapter 722))
Local governments; equalizes city and county taxing authority. Amending §§ 4.1-128, 15.2-1200, 15.2-5517, 15.2-5814, 55-248.5, 58.1-3823, 58.1-3825, 58.1-3834, 58.1-3840, and 58.1-3842; repealing §§ 58.1-3817, 58.1-3818, 58.1-3818.01, 58.1-3819 through 58.1-3822, 58.1-3824, 58.1-3825.1, 58.1-3825.2, 58.1-3830, 58.1-3831, 58.1-3832, and 58.1-3833. (Patron-Merricks, HB 1157 (F))
Local governments; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study local fiscal impact and taxation of property owned by local authorities in a different county, city, or town. (Patron-Wright, HJR 2 (F))
Local sales tax distribution; correction of erroneous payments. Amending § 58.1-605. (Patron-Edwards, SB 614 (Chapter 831))
Low-income and student toll tax credit; established. Adding § 58.1-339.13. (Patron-Lucas, SB 567 (C))
Machinery and equipment recyclable materials; beginning January 1, 2012, those used in a manufacturing facility or plant unit that produces methane gas for sale through anaerobic digestion would be eligible for tax credit. Amending § 58.1-439.7. (Patron-Loupassi, HB 105 (F))
Machinery and Tools Investment Grant Program; created. Adding §§ 2.2-817 and 2.2-818. (Patron-Wagner, SB 549 (F))
Machinery and tools, local; Department of Taxation to study impact of state income tax credit for taxes paid by manufacturers. (Patron-Wagner, SJR 86 (F))
Machinery and tools tax; classifies car washing businesses as separate class of property. Adding § 58.1-3508.5. (Patron-Scott, E.T., HB 298 (Chapter 267))
Major business facility job tax credit; extends time during which credit may be taken over a two-year period to December 31, 2014. Amending § 58.1-439. (Patron-Kilgore, HB 714 (Chapter 93); Reeves, SB 368 (Chapter 475))
Major business facility job tax credits and enterprise zone job creation grants; not allowed for same job created. Amending §§ 58.1-439 and 59.1-547. (Patron-James, HB 841 (Chapter 445))
Manufacturing sector; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study measures to eliminate disparity in share of state tax burden borne by State. (Patron-Wagner, SJR 87 (F))
Media-related tax exemptions; extends sunset provision until 2017. Amending § 58.1-609.6. (Patron-Hanger, SB 393 (Chapter 477))
Microenterprise Investment Grant Fund and Program; created. Adding §§ 2.2-904.3 and 2.2-904.4. (Patron-Ebbin, SB 262 (F))
Microenterprise investment tax credits; created for individuals who make qualified investment. Adding § 58.1-339.13. (Patron-Lopez, HB 783 (F))
Motor carrier and commercial driver’s licensing; amends several licensing laws. Amending §§ 46.2-217, 46.2-341.16, 46.2-613.1, 46.2-613.4, 46.2-703, 46.2-725.2, 46.2-2000, 46.2-2001, 46.2-2001.3, 46.2-2011.4, 46.2-2011.8, 46.2-2011.11, 46.2-2155, 58.1-2402, 58.1-2403, 58.1-2700.1, 58.1-2700.2, and 58.1-2712.1; repealing §§ 46.2-2099.2, 46.2-2099.3, 46.2-2099.7 through 46.2-2099.10, 46.2-2099.12 through 46.2-2099.16, 46.2-2116, 46.2-2119, and 46.2-2123. (Patron-Cox, J.A., HB 353 (Chapter 22); Newman, SB 343 (Chapter 111))
Motor fuels tax; dedicates additional revenue to operation, etc., of transportation system. Amending §§ 58.1-2217, 58.1-2249, 58.1-2289, 58.1-2701, and 58.1-2706. (Patron-Howell, A.T., HB 393 (F))
Motor fuels tax; permits two or more localities to impose. Adding § 58.1-3844. (Patron-Englin, HB 1027 (F))
Motor fuels tax; removes requirement that bulk users and retailers of undyed diesel fuel be licensed. Amending §§ 58.1-2204, 58.1-2208, 58.1-2263, and 58.1-2274. (Patron-Orrock, HB 536 (Chapter 363))
Motor fuels tax rate; converts rate from cents per gallon to a percentage rate. Amending §§ 58.1-2217, 58.1-2249, 58.1-2289, 58.1-2701, and 58.1-2706. (Patron-Scott, J.M., HB 983 (F))
Motor fuels tax rate; required to be indexed from January 1 through December 31 of year preceding affected year. Amending §§ 58.1-2217, 58.1-2249, 58.1-2289, 58.1-2701, and 58.1-2706. (Patron-Watkins, SB 631 (F))
Motor fuels tax rate; required to be indexed starting on January 1, 2014. Amending §§ 58.1-2217, 58.1-2249, 58.1-2289, 58.1-2701, and 58.1-2706. (Patron-Purkey, HB 1241 (F))
Motor vehicle fuels sales tax; transfers administration and collection to DMV. Adding §§ 58.1-2291 through 58.1-2297; repealing §§ 58.1-1718.1 through 58.1-1724.1, 58.1-1724.2, 58.1-1724.3, and 58.1-1724.4. (Patron-Puller, SB 138 (I) See SB503)
Motor vehicle fuels sales tax; transfers administration and collection to DMV. Adding §§ 58.1-2291 through 58.1-2299.20; repealing §§ 58.1-1718.1 through 58.1-1724.1, 58.1-1724.2, and 58.1-1724.4. (Patron-Rust, HB 876 (Chapter 217); Saslaw, SB 503 (Chapter 225))
Motor vehicle rental tax; exclusions from tax. Amending § 58.1-1735. (Patron-Massie, HB 322 (F))
Motor vehicles, certain; raises amount localities may charge for an annual license tax upon owners. Amending § 15.2-973. (Patron-Sickles, HB 878 (P))
Neighborhood Assistance Act Tax Credit Program; requires neighborhood organizations must meet for allocation of tax credits. Amending § 58.1-439.18. (Patron-Wilt, HB 340 (F))
Neighborhood Assistance Act tax credits; eligibility of certain mediators. Amending § 58.1-439.22. (Patron-Peace, HB 276 (F); Webert, HB 368 (Chapter 596))
Neighborhood Assistance Act tax credits; State Board of Social Services shall provide that at least 40 percent of persons served are low-income persons. Amending § 58.1-439.20. (Patron-Wagner, SB 680 (Chapter 837))
Personal property tax; situs of certain motor vehicles garaged at different location from owner. Amending § 58.1-3511. (Patron-Tata, HB 41 (Chapter 651))
Personal property tax; vehicle distrained and sold for delinquent taxes, penalty and accrued interest. Amending §§ 46.2-617 and 58.1-3942. (Patron-Brink, HB 919 (Chapter 623))
Plastic bags; imposes a tax of 20 cents on those used by purchasers to carry tangible personal property from place of purchase. Adding §§ 58.1-1742 through 58.1-1745. (Patron-Morrissey, HB 124 (F))
Problem Gambling Treatment Fund; established. Amending §§ 18.2-340.18, 58.1-4022, and 59.1-370.1; adding §§ 37.2-312.2 and 37.2-312.3. (Patron-Greason, HB 1109 (F))
Real estate tax; assessment of wetlands. Adding § 58.1-3284.3. (Patron-Orrock, HB 80 (Chapter 742))
Real estate tax; counties may establish discount for early payment or payment in full. Amending §§ 15.2-1104 and 15.2-1201.2. (Patron-Puller, SB 551 (Chapter 585))
Real estate tax; entitlement to refund for pro rata portion of taxes for disabled veterans. Amending § 58.1-3219.5. (Patron-Stuart, SB 22 (Chapter 806))
Real estate tax; exemption for disabled veterans. Amending § 58.1-3219.5. (Patron-Lingamfelter, HB 922 (Chapter 75); Marsden, SB 529 (I) See SB540; Puller, SB 540 (Chapter 263))
Real estate tax; exemption for disabled veterans. Amending §§ 58.1-3219.5, 58.1-3360, 58.1-3360.1, and 58.1-3360.2; adding § 58.1-3219.7. (Patron-Lingamfelter, HB 933 (Chapter 782))
Real estate tax; exemption for disabled veterans, Commissioner of Department of Veterans Services shall promulgate rules and regulations governing administration and implementation of exemption. Amending § 2.2-4002; adding § 58.1-3219.7. (Patron-O’Bannon, HB 190 (Chapter 594))
Real estate tax; extends sunset date that reduced tax rate on commercial and industrial property in localities in Northern Virginia. Amending second enactment of Chapter 822, 2009 Acts. (Patron-Hugo, HB 1068 (Chapter 535))
Real estate tax; prior use of any property shall not be considered in determining its current use for land use valuation purposes. Amending § 58.1-3230. (Patron-Orrock, HB 81 (Chapter 653))
Real estate tax; roll-back taxes shall not apply to property that loses its designation as devoted to agricultural or horticultural use, etc. Amending § 58.1-3237. (Patron-Orrock, HB 82 (C))
Real property tax; attorney to request commissioner of revenue to correct assessment of property improperly placed on delinquent land books. Amending §§ 58.1-3969, 58.1-3971, and 58.1-3974. (Patron-Johnson, HB 1128 (Chapter 627))
Real property tax; concerning validity of valuation of property, new or increased assessment is authorized if error of assessment is due to fraud by taxpayer. Amending §§ 58.1-3903 and 58.1-3981. (Patron-Iaquinto, HB 483 (C))
Real property tax; exemption for elderly and disabled. Amending § 58.1-3212. (Patron-Keam, HB 1046 (F))
Real property tax; exemption for elderly and disabled, computation of annual income. Amending § 58.1-3212. (Patron-Watts, HB 408 (Chapter 299))
Real property tax; removes certain requirement in determining eligibility of elderly and disabled for tax relief. Amending § 58.1-3212. (Patron-Ward, HB 201 (F))
Real property tax valuation; when property’s use is restricted by law, fair market value shall be based on non-restricted uses. Adding § 58.1-3296. (Patron-Marshall, R.G., HB 31 (F))
Recordation tax; a deed to have amount of consideration is stated on its first page of document to be admitted on record. Amending § 58.1-802. (Patron-Jones, HB 734 (Chapter 513))
Recordation tax; clarifies tax for deeds of trust is based on value of security interest created by deed. Amending § 58.1-803. (Patron-Garrett, HB 509 (Chapter 505))
Recordation tax; eliminates exemption for certain deeds of trust securing a refinanced obligation. Amending § 58.1-803. (Patron-Hugo, HB 1082 (F))
Recordation tax; eliminates exemption for certain deeds of trust securing a refinanced obligation, meaning of term value. Amending § 58.1-803. (Patron-Hanger, SB 409 (Chapter 820))
Residential rental apartments; appeal of real property assessments, determination of fair market value. Adding § 58.1-3295.1. (Patron-Hugo, HB 1073 (Chapter 536); Watkins, SB 73 (Chapter 707))
Residential rental properties; establishes criteria by which an assessor shall determine fair market value for real estate used in whole or in part as defined by ordinance or locality. Adding § 58.1-3295.1. (Patron-Watkins, SB 48 (F))
Retail sales and transient occupancy taxes; provides that taxes on room rentals are computed based upon total charges or price paid for use or possession of room. Amending §§ 58.1-602, 58.1-603, 58.1-612, 58.1-3819, 58.1-3823, 58.1-3824, 58.1-3825, 58.1-3825.2, 58.1-3826, 58.1-3842, 58.1-3843, Chapter 834, 1992 Acts (carried by reference in Code as § 58.1-3820), and Chapter 111, 2006 Acts (carried by reference in Code as § 58.1-3821); adding § 58.1-3818.8. (Patron-Hanger, SB 671 (C))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; adds Cities of Winchester and Lynchburg to list of localities that are entitled to revenues generated at certain public facilities. Amending § 58.1-608.3. (Patron-Vogel, SB 684 (Chapter 678))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; adds City of Bristol to list of localities that are entitled to revenues generated at certain public facilities. Amending § 58.1-608.3. (Patron-O’Quinn, HB 1116 (Chapter 789); Carrico, SB 607 (Chapter 830))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; adds veterans organizations to those nonprofit entities that qualify. Amending § 58.1-609.11. (Patron-McDougle, SB 114 (C))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; amends definition of retail sale to include lottery tickets. Amending §§ 58.1-602 and 58.1-4025. (Patron-Ruff, SB 642 (C))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; clarifies amount of revenue authorized tourism project is entitled. Amending § 58.1-3851.1. (Patron-Watson, HB 581 (Chapter 73); Norment, SB 414 (Chapter 572))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; distribution of revenue to localities based on school-age population. Amending § 58.1-638. (Patron-Carr, HB 832 (C))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; establishes two-year sales tax moratorium for construction materials and supplies purchased by licensed contractors. Amending § 58.1-609.3. (Patron-Stanley, SB 70 (C))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption includes certain computer equipment and enabling software. Amending § 58.1-609.3. (Patron-Herring, SB 232 (I) See SB112)
Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption includes certain computer equipment and enabling software, sunset clause. Amending § 58.1-609.3. (Patron-Comstock, HB 216 (Chapter 655); McDougle, SB 112 (Chapter 613))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption includes computers and related computer equipment. Amending § 58.1-611.2. (Patron-Cline, HB 247 (F); Marshall, D.W., HB 565 (F))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption includes gold, silver, and platinum bullion. Amending § 58.1-609.1. (Patron-Miller, HB 207 (C))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption includes hurricane preparedness products and energy-efficient or water-efficient products. Amending §§ 58.1-609.1 and 58.1-611.3; repealing third enactment of Chapter 608, 2007 Acts. (Patron-Cosgrove, HB 236 (F))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption on renewable energy equipment. Adding § 58.1-611.4. (Patron-Lopez, HB 787 (C))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption on tangible personal property sold or leased to public transportation companies operated by locality. Amending § 58.1-609.1. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HB 959 (Chapter 95); Reeves, SB 40 (Chapter 276))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; extends sunset date for exemption of certain educational materials. Amending § 58.1-609.6. (Patron-Scott, E.T., HB 299 (Chapter 411))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; extends sunset dates for limited exemption periods for hurricane preparedness equipment and for certain energy efficient products. Amending second enactment of Chapters 176 and 817, 2007 Acts and third enactment of Chapter 608, 2007 Acts. (Patron-Purkey, HB 513 (Chapter 597))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; extends sunset provision for certain educational materials until July 1, 2017. Amending § 58.1-609.6. (Patron-Reeves, SB 37 (Chapter 275))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; increased from four percent to five percent, and distribution of revenues. Amending §§ 58.1-603, 58.1-604, 58.1-604.1, 58.1-614, 58.1-638, and 58.1-639; adding § 33.1-23.03:11. (Patron-Putney, HB 1239 (F))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; presumption of sufficient activity to require dealer to register. Amending § 58.1-612. (Patron-Wagner, SB 597 (Chapter 590))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; removes $2,000 cap on amount of tax imposed on watercraft. Amending § 58.1-1402. (Patron-Englin, HB 145 (F))
Retail Sales and Use Tax; use tax be reported annually. Amending § 58.1-604.2. (Patron-Stuart, SB 181 (C))
Retail Sales and Use Tax and motor fuels tax; funds for transportation. Amending §§ 58.1-638, 58.1-2217, 58.1-2249, 58.1-2289, 58.1-2701, and 58.1-2706. (Patron-Albo, HB 899 (F))
Riparian Forest Grant Program; created, sunset date for riparian forest tax credit. Amending § 58.1-339.10; adding §§ 10.1-1181.13 and 10.1-1181.14. (Patron-Hanger, SB 404 (F))
Riparian forest tax credit; refund. Amending § 58.1-339.10. (Patron-Ware, R.L., HB 456 (C))
Roll-your-own cigarette machines; person who operates, maintains, or rents at a retail establishment is a manufacturer of cigarettes. Adding § 58.1-1003.3. (Patron-Ware, R.L., HB 314 (Chapter 48); Watkins, SB 74 (Chapter 68))
Satellite office expenses tax credit; creates a $250,000 tax credit for certain businesses. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Stuart, SB 178 (C))
Small business job creation tax credit; creates an individual and corporate income tax credit beginning January 1, 2012, for small business creating new full-time jobs in State. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Bell, Richard P., HB 111 (C))
Small businesses; tax credit for those hiring graduates of Virginia’s colleges. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Herring, HB 191 (C))
Space flight entities; transfer of certain income tax revenue to Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority, entities to include limited liability companies. Amending § 58.1-423. (Patron-Kilgore, HB 18 (I) See HB813)
State taxes; period of limitation on collection reduced to seven years. Amending § 58.1-1802.1. (Patron-Cole, HB 35 (Chapter 840))
Tangible personal property; allows motor vehicles owned by volunteer deputy sheriffs to be classified as separate class. Amending § 58.1-3506. (Patron-Dudenhefer, HB 1148 (Chapter 97); Stuart, SB 534 (Chapter 288))
Tangible personal property; beginning with tax year 2013 reimbursement paid by State to localities for providing tax relief would be apportioned approximately in an equal dollar amount for qualifying vehicles. Amending §§ 58.1-3524 and 58.1-3912. (Patron-Albo, HB 53 (F))
Tax administration; awards for detection of tax underpayments. Adding § 58.1-1809.1. (Patron-Surovell, HB 671 (F))
Tax amnesty program; expands scope of City of Richmond to include all local taxes and accrued interest. Amending Chapter 200, 2010 Acts. (Patron-McClellan, HB 358 (Chapter 496); Marsh, SB 42 (Chapter 254))
Tax bills; prohibits any committee of General Assembly reporting any bill that establishes, increases, or expands state or local tax exemption, credit, deduction, etc., unless bill contains sunset date not to exceed five years. Adding § 30-19.1:11. (Patron-Englin, HB 1032 (F))
Tax credits; businesses providing assistance to low-income families, scholarships for K through 12 students attending private schools. Amending §§ 58.1-439.18 through 58.1-439.21 and 58.1-439.24; adding §§ 58.1-439.25 through 58.1-439.28. (Patron-Obenshain, SB 241 (I) See SB131)
Tax credits; for direct costs of a business attributable to its location in State to comply with excessive state regulations. Adding § 58.1-439.12:11. (Patron-Purkey, HB 514 (C))
Tax credits, state; publication of names on Department of Taxation’s website of taxpayers claiming credits. Amending § 58.1-202. (Patron-Surovell, HB 664 (F))
Tax increment financing; blighted areas. Amending § 58.1-3245. (Patron-Blevins, SB 306 (F))
Tax information; reports or information provided by Attorney General to tobacco products manufacturer. Amending §§ 58.1-3 and 58.1-3.2. (Patron-Albo, HB 52 (Chapter 395))
Tax structure, State’s; joint subcommittee to study reforming. (Patron-Cole, HJR 52 (F))
Tax-paid contraband cigarettes; possession with intent to distribute, penalties. Amending §§ 58.1-1000 and 58.1-1037; adding § 58.1-1017.1. (Patron-Albo, HB 479 (Chapter 362); McDougle, SB 347 (Chapter 472))
Tax-supported debt; establishes method of calculating total principal amount issued by any state agency, etc. Adding § 2.2-5002.1. (Patron-Massie, HB 324 (Chapter 324))
Taxes, local; authorizes localities not to pay interest on refund when refund is due to errors made by taxpayer. Amending §§ 58.1-3916 and 58.1-3918. (Patron-Sherwood, HB 290 (F))
Taxes, local; authorizes localities not to pay interest on refund when refund is due to errors made by taxpayer, exception. Amending §§ 58.1-3916 and 58.1-3918. (Patron-Hanger, SB 401 (F))
Taxes, local; interest on refunds and delinquent taxes. Amending §§ 58.1-3916 and 58.1-3918. (Patron-Wilt, HB 117 (F))
Taxes, local; rate of interest capped at five percent annually, penalties. Amending §§ 21-118.4, 58.1-535, 58.1-3903, 58.1-3916, 58.1-3916.02, 58.1-3981, and 58.1-3987; repealing § 58.1-3918. (Patron-Byron, HB 461 (F))
Telework expenses tax credit; extended for employers through December 31, 2016. Amending § 58.1-439.12:07. (Patron-Comstock, HB 551 (Chapter 327); Herring, SB 238 (Chapter 341))
Telework expenses tax credit; raises cap on aggregate amount available in calendar years 2012 and 2013. Amending § 58.1-439.12:07. (Patron-Ramadan, HB 1000 (C))
Teleworks tax credit; for individual who teleworks a minimum of 20 hours per week. Adding § 58.1-339.13. (Patron-Ramadan, HB 999 (C))
Transient occupancy tax; adds Campbell County to list authorized to impose. Amending § 58.1-3819. (Patron-Ruff, SB 562 (Chapter 290))
Transient occupancy tax; authorizes Roanoke County to impose. Adding § 58.1-3819.1. (Patron-Edwards, SB 103 (Chapter 340))
Transportation; additional funding by imposing and increasing certain taxes. Amending §§ 15.2-4838.1, 58.1-300, 58.1-520, 58.1-604.1, 58.1-608.3, 58.1-611.1, 58.1-614, 58.1-811, and 58.1-3221.3; adding §§ 15.2-4838.01, 58.1-603.1, 58.1-604.01, 58.1-802.2, and 58.1-2291 through 58.1-2296; repealing §§ 58.1-540 through 58.1-549 and second enactment of Chapter 822, 2009 Acts. (Patron-Watts, HB 422 (F))
Transportation Trust Fund; increases amount of sales and use tax revenue dedicated to Fund. Amending §§ 33.1-23.03:1 and 58.1-638. (Patron-Cole, HB 23 (F))
Value-added tax (VAT); urges Virginia Delegation of Congress of United States to oppose any legislation that would levy tax on consumption of goods. (Patron-Comstock, HJR 92 (C))
Virginia College Savings Plan; acceptance of commemorative coins minted by State Treasurer. Amending §§ 23-38.81 and 58.1-322. (Patron-Marshall, R.G., HB 819 (C))
Virginia Land Conservation Fund; distribution of revenues. Amending § 58.1-513. (Patron-Wilt, HB 336 (Chapter 232))
Virginia Port Authority; amends several provisions governing conduct of business, extends sunset for international trade facility tax credit, barge and rail usage tax credit, etc. Amending §§ 10.1-1188, 58.1-439.12:06, 58.1-439.12:09, 58.1-439.12:10, 62.1-129, 62.1-132.6, and 62.1-139; adding § 62.1-132.3:1. (Patron-Cosgrove, HB 1183 (Chapter 846); Wagner, SB 578 (Chapter 849))
Virginia Pump Toll; established. Amending §§ 33.1-23.03:10 and 58.1-2278; adding §§ 58.1-2291 through 58.1-2297. (Patron-May, HB 802 (F))
Virginia’s Tax Preferences, Commission to Review Effectiveness of; establishes Commission to oversee evaluation of preferences, report. Adding §§ 30-330 through 30-333. (Patron-Toscano, HB 146 (F))
Warrants; those maintained by treasurers shall not disclose certain information. Amending § 58.1-3131. (Patron-Stolle, HB 255 (Chapter 88))
Water and sewer charges and taxes; adds Town of Onancock to list of localities permitted to provide by ordinance that those incurred shall be a lien on real estate. Amending § 15.2-2118. (Patron-Lewis, HB 199 (Chapter 620); Northam, SB 588 (Chapter 354))
Water and sewer charges and taxes; adds Town of Urbanna to list of localities permitted to provide by ordinance that those incurred shall be a lien on real estate. Amending § 15.2-2118. (Patron-Hodges, HB 757 (Chapter 441))
Water and waste authorities; property owner to be informed in advance by written notice that liens may be placed on his property. Amending § 15.2-5139. (Patron-Edwards, SB 102 (F))
Worker retraining tax credit; increase in credit amount. Amending § 58.1-439.6. (Patron-Yancey, HB 720 (C))
Workers’ compensation; uninsured employer’s fund financing tax. Amending second enactment of Chapter 219, 2009 Acts. (Patron-Wagner, SB 576 (Chapter 647))

2012 Cumulative Index of Bills, Joint Resolutions, and Resolutions - For additional information, please contact the House of Delegates Information and Public Relations Office, P. O. Box 406, State Capitol, Richmond, Virginia 23218, telephone (804) 698-1500.