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Convened January 8, 2014
Adjourned sine die March 8, 2014
Reconvened April 23, 2014
Adjourned sine die April 23, 2014

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(P) Passed (F) Failed (V) Vetoed (I) Incoporated into other legislation
(C) Carried over to 2015 Session
Abduction and prostitution offenses; administrative subpoena for electronic communication service or remote computing service records. Amending § 19.2-10.2. (Patron-Hugo, HB 485 (Chapter 166))
Address Confidentiality Program; victims of stalking eligible for Program. Amending § 2.2-515.2. (Patron-Toscano, HB 1233 (Chapter 439))
Alcoholic beverage control; ABC Board to adopt regulation prohibiting ABC special agents from using or threatening to use deadly force in arrest or detention of person suspected of underage possession of alcohol, exception. Amending § 4.1-111. (Patron-Toscano, HB 922 (F))
Appeal from bail, bond, or recognizance order; compliance with appellate court. Amending § 19.2-124. (Patron-Albo, HB 163 (F); Surovell, HB 984 (F); Petersen, SB 235 (F))
Arraignment; defendant may enter conditional guilty plea in misdemeanor case or felony case in circuit court. Amending § 19.2-254. (Patron-Hope, HB 80 (Chapter 52))
Arrest photos; placement and removal on Internet, penalty. Adding § 18.2-511.2. (Patron-Marsden, SB 137 (C); Stuart, SB 286 (I) See SB137)
Bail hearings; motions relating to bail or conditions of release must be held as soon as practicable. Amending § 19.2-158. (Patron-Stanley, SB 34 (Chapter 515))
Capital cases; appointment of counsel. Amending § 19.2-163.7. (Patron-Stanley, SB 35 (F))
Cellular telephone or other wireless communications device; warrant requirement for use as tracking device. Amending § 19.2-56.2. (Patron-Carr, HB 814 (F))
Certificate of analysis; procedures for notifying accused, witness fees. Amending § 19.2-187.1. (Patron-Minchew, HB 1199 (F))
Certificate of analysis for drugs or alcohol use; director shall remove withdrawal certificate from vial and electronically scan it into Department’s Laboratory Information Management System and place original certificate in its case-specific file, certificate shall be returned or electronically transmitted to clerk of court in which charge will be heard, electronic signature. Amending §§ 18.2-268.7, 19.2-187, and 46.2-341.26:7. (Patron-Morris, HB 518 (Chapter 328))
Child care providers; Department of Social Services to convene work group to develop plan for implementation of national fingerprint-based background checks, report. (Patron-Anderson, HB 412 (Chapter 128); Hanger, SB 639 (Chapter 379))
Child welfare agencies; criminal history background checks requirement established, creates portable background check registry for individuals required to undergo background checks. Amending §§ 19.2-389, 19.2-392.02, 63.2-1515, 63.2-1702, 63.2-1704, 63.2-1719, 63.2-1720, 63.2-1721, and 63.2-1722 through 63.2-1726; adding §§ 63.2-1719.1, 63.2-1720.1, and 63.2-1721.1. (Patron-Filler-Corn, HB 552 (F); Peace, HB 1252 (F))
Cigarette laws; administration and enforcement, violation of tax, counterfeit cigarettes used in undercover operation to remain under control and command of law enforcement. Amending §§ 19.2-215.1, 19.2-386.21, 58.1-1000, 58.1-1001, 58.1-1012, and 58.1-1017.1; adding § 58.1-1017.2. (Patron-Gilbert, HB 853 (Chapter 422))
Cigarettes, counterfeit and contraband; use by law enforcement, any undercover operation shall ensure cigarettes remain under their control and command. Amending §§ 19.2-386.21, 58.1-1001, and 58.1-1012. (Patron-Reeves, SB 365 (Chapter 458))
College campus police and security departments; Department of Criminal Justice Services shall conduct a study to identify potential minimum core operational functions. (Patron-Yost, HB 587 (Chapter 278); Barker, SB 440 (Chapter 539))
Competency to stand trial; recommended treatment by qualified mental health expert. Amending § 19.2-169.1. (Patron-O’Bannon, HB 584 (Chapter 329); Howell, SB 357 (Chapter 739))
Conservators of the peace, special; various changes to laws providing for appointment, definitions. Amending §§ 9.1-101, 9.1-150.2, and 19.2-13. (Patron-Norment, SB 495 (C))
Controlled substances; eliminates requirement that law-enforcement reports on destruction of seized substances and other drugs and paraphernalia be submitted to Board of Pharmacy. Amending § 19.2-386.23. (Patron-Carrico, SB 211 (Chapter 686))
Court costs; collection at DMV customer service centers. Adding § 19.2-349.1. (Patron-Newman, SB 475 (C))
Crime victim rights; offenses by juveniles. Amending §§ 16.1-309.1 and 19.2-11.01. (Patron-Farrell, HB 171 (Chapter 230))
Crimes; seizure and forfeiture of property, asset forfeiture statute includes watercraft and vehicles used in attempted robbery. Amending § 19.2-386.16; adding § 19.2-386.35. (Patron-Simon, HB 803 (F))
Crimes; seizure and forfeiture of property when in connection with crimes associated with human trafficking, etc. Amending § 19.2-386.16; adding § 19.2-386.35. (Patron-Bulova, HB 767 (F); Comstock, HB 1155 (F))
Crimes; seizure and forfeiture of property when used in connection with certain offenses. Adding § 19.2-386.35. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HB 660 (Chapter 658))
Criminal convictions; persons convicted of certain offenses allowed to petition to have records expunged after five-year period. Amending §§ 19.2-392.1, 19.2-392.2, and 19.2-392.3. (Patron-Stanley, SB 111 (F))
Criminal defendant; competency reports for restoration providers. Amending § 19.2-169.2. (Patron-O’Bannon, HB 585 (Chapter 408); Howell, SB 541 (Chapter 373))
Criminal history record checks; sets out list of barrier crimes. Amending §§ 15.2-914, 19.2-389, 19.2-392.02, 22.1-296.3, 32.1-126.01, 32.1-162.9:1, 37.2-314, 37.2-408.1, 63.2-901.1, 63.2-1601.1, 63.2-1704, 63.2-1717, and 63.2-1720 through 63.2-1726; adding § 63.2-1719.1; repealing § 63.2-1719. (Patron-Edwards, SB 353 (F))
Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; emergency award to claimant shall not exceed $3,000, payments for injury or death of victim of crime. Amending §§ 19.2-368.9 and 19.2-368.11:1. (Patron-Comstock, HB 1 (C))
Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; filing of claims. Amending § 19.2-368.5. (Patron-McDougle, SB 186 (Chapter 251))
Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; filing of claims, awards, Virginia State Crime Commission shall convene stakeholder workgroup to support streamlining of current federal and state sexual and domestic violence victim service agency funding. Amending §§ 19.2-368.5, 19.2-368.9, and 19.2-368.11:1. (Patron-Peace, HB 885 (Chapter 665))
Criminal Justice Services, Department of; human trafficking policy. Amending § 9.1-102. (Patron-BaCote, HB 595 (F))
Criminal Justice Services, Department of; human trafficking policy, Department shall publish and disseminate a model policy or guideline for law-enforcement personnel involved in criminal investigations or assigned to vehicle or street patrol duties. Amending § 9.1-102. (Patron-Obenshain, SB 654 (Chapter 265))
Criminal Justice Services, Department of; included in definition of criminal justice agency. Amending § 9.1-101. (Patron-Miller, HB 860 (F); Miller, HB 861 (Chapter 342))
Death penalty; persons with mental disability and mental impairments ineligible. Amending §§ 18.2-10, 19.2-264.3:1.1, 19.2-264.3:1.2, and 19.2-264.3:3. (Patron-Hope, HB 1133 (F))
Death sentences; removes electrocution as manner of execution for prisoners, lethal injection. Amending §§ 53.1-233 and 53.1-234. (Patron-Surovell, HB 942 (F))
Deferred disposition; allows court to defer and dismiss criminal case where defendant has been diagnosed with autism or intellectual disability, exception. Amending §§ 16.1-69.48:1, 17.1-275.2, 17.1-275.7, 19.2-303.4, 19.2-335, and 19.2-336; adding § 19.2-303.6. (Patron-Stuart, SB 173 (F))
DNA; adds certain crimes to list of crimes for which a sample must be taken upon arrest for commission or attempted commission. Amending §§ 19.2-310.2 and 19.2-310.2:1. (Patron-Stuart, SB 6 (F))
Driving under influence of alcohol; removes provision that unless otherwise modified by court, a defendant who has been convicted of a fourth or subsequent DUI in 10 years shall remain on probation, etc. Amending § 18.2-270. (Patron-Garrett, SB 190 (I) See SB482)
Electronic communication service or remote computing devices; warrant requirement for certain telecommunication records, search warrant or administrative subpoena for disclosure of real-time location data. Amending § 19.2-70.3. (Patron-Marshall, R.G., HB 17 (Chapter 388))
Electronic devices; search of those containing digital information without warrant prohibited. Adding § 19.2-59.2. (Patron-Farrell, HB 173 (F); Carr, HB 813 (F))
Emergency custody order; upon expiration of first two-hour extension, magistrate shall issue an order for a second two-hour extension, if good cause is shown to grant such an extension, community services board to submit list of all facilities contacted prior to expiration of first extension. Amending § 37.2-808. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HB 294 (I) See HB478)
Emergency custody order; upon expiration of first two-hour extension, magistrate shall issue an order for second two-hour extension, extension necessary to identify suitable facility in which person can be detained. Amending § 37.2-808. (Patron-O’Bannon, HB 583 (I) See HB478; Obenshain, SB 455 (C))
Emergency protective orders; arrests for domestic assault, definition of law-enforcement officer means any special conservator of the peace who meets certification requirements. Amending §§ 16.1-253.4 and 19.2-81.3. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HB 285 (Chapter 779); Stuart, SB 71 (Chapter 797))
Employment applications; inquiries regarding criminal arrests, charges, or convictions, penalty. Adding §§ 2.2-2812.1 and 40.1-28.7:5. (Patron-Krupicka, HB 93 (F))
Employment applications; inquiries regarding criminal arrests, charges, or convictions, prohibition of question not applicable to applications for positions related to fire departments and emergency medical services agencies. Adding §§ 2.2-2812.1 and 15.2-1500.1. (Patron-McEachin, SB 250 (F))
Executed administrative search warrants, investigation warrants, and inspection warrants; maintenance by clerks of circuit courts. Amending §§ 3.2-3942, 3.2-6568, 10.1-610, 15.2-2286, 19.2-394, 19.2-395, 27-32.2, 27-37.1, 27-98.2, 27-98.3, 27-98.5, 36-105, 40.1-49.9, 40.1-49.10, 40.1-49.12, and 63.2-1718. (Patron-Stuart, SB 59 (Chapter 354))
Falsifying patient records; statute of limitation on prosecutions increased to three years for misdemeanor. Amending § 19.2-8. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HB 661 (Chapter 169))
Felony convictions, certain; court may reduce to misdemeanor pursuant to terms and conditions of a plea agreement. Adding § 19.2-303.6. (Patron-Stanley, SB 621 (F))
Felony sentence; amends provision that allows for sentence modification prior to transfer to Department of Corrections to specify that transfer must have been lawful. Amending § 19.2-303. (Patron-Stanley, SB 33 (I) See SB146)
Felony sentence; amends provision that allows sentence modification prior to transfer to Department of Corrections to allow modification after transfer. Amending § 19.2-303. (Patron-Stuart, SB 146 (F))
Firearms; criminal history record information checks for transfers, maintenance and dissemination of protective order registry information. Amending §§ 18.2-308.2:2, 19.2-387.1, 19.2-389, and 19.2-389.1. (Patron-Cosgrove, SB 610 (F))
Firearms; possession following a misdemeanor conviction of certain crimes for an offense that occurred on or after July 1, 2014, penalty. Amending § 19.2-386.28; adding § 18.2-308.1:6. (Patron-Favola, SB 510 (F))
Firearms; possession following conviction of certain crimes against family member that results in serious bodily injury, penalty. Amending § 19.2-386.28; adding § 18.2-308.1:6. (Patron-Simon, HB 48 (F))
Firearms; prohibition of sale, transfer, etc., of certain magazines, fine. Amending § 19.2-386.29; adding § 18.2-309.1. (Patron-Lopez, HB 809 (F))
Geriatric prisoners; conditional release, after offense but prior to being released from incarceration for offense person was subject to protective order. Amending § 53.1-40.01. (Patron-Yost, HB 868 (V))
Geriatric prisoners; conditional release, prior to being released from incarceration for offense, person was subject to protective order. Amending § 53.1-40.01. (Patron-Puckett, SB 561 (V))
Grand larceny and certain property crimes; increases threshold amount of money from $200 to $1,000. Amending §§ 18.2-23, 18.2-95 through 18.2-97, 18.2-102, 18.2-103, 18.2-108.01, 18.2-145.1, 18.2-150, 18.2-152.3, 18.2-181, 18.2-181.1, 18.2-182, 18.2-186, 18.2-186.3, 18.2-187.1, 18.2-188, 18.2-195, 18.2-195.2, 18.2-197, 18.2-340.37, 19.2-289, 19.2-290, 19.2-386.16, and 29.1-553. (Patron-McEachin, SB 251 (F))
Grand larceny and certain property crimes; increases threshold amount of money from $200 to $500. Amending §§ 18.2-23, 18.2-95 through 18.2-97, 18.2-102, 18.2-103, 18.2-108.01, 18.2-145.1, 18.2-150, 18.2-152.3, 18.2-181, 18.2-181.1, 18.2-182, 18.2-186, 18.2-186.3, 18.2-187.1, 18.2-188, 18.2-195, 18.2-195.2, 18.2-197, 18.2-340.37, 19.2-289, 19.2-290, 19.2-386.16, and 29.1-553. (Patron-Surovell, HB 244 (F); Reeves, SB 379 (C))
Hazing; any school, college, or university policies and procedures shall be consistent with model policies established by Department of Education or State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, model policies regarding prevention of and appropriate disciplinary actions for hazing shall be established along with Department of Criminal Justice Services. Amending § 18.2-56. (Patron-Norment, SB 448 (Chapter 627))
Health insurance; victims of sexual assault, cost-sharing requirement for HIV prevention medication. Amending § 38.2-3418. (Patron-Favola, SB 275 (C))
Homemaker services agencies; establishes licensure requirements. Amending § 19.2-389; adding §§ 51.5-147.1 and 51.5-147.2. (Patron-Krupicka, HB 554 (F))
Immediate sanction probation program; extends sunset provision on establishment of programs. Amending § 19.2-303.5. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HB 232 (Chapter 314))
Incapacitated persons; expands class of victims of crime of financial exploitation. Amending § 18.2-178.1; adding § 19.2-386.35. (Patron-Kory, HB 315 (F))
Insanity; persons acquitted of felony, court-appointed counsel fees. Amending § 19.2-182. (Patron-Habeeb, HB 91 (F))
Insanity; persons acquitted of felony, court-appointed counsel fees, subject to available appropriations. Amending § 19.2-182. (Patron-McDougle, SB 56 (F))
Juvenile offenders; offenses and punishment. Amending §§ 18.2-10, 18.2-31, 18.2-67.5:3, and 19.2-297.1. (Patron-Marsden, SB 122 (F))
Juvenile offenders, certain; sentence modification procedure, offenses committed on or after January 1, 1995. Adding § 19.2-305.5. (Patron-Marsden, SB 142 (C))
Lineups; model policy established by Department of Criminal Justice Services. Amending § 19.2-390.02. (Patron-Lopez, HB 805 (F))
Magistrates; authorized to exercise powers regarding search warrants throughout the Commonwealth, district court judge may issue warrants, etc., within scope of his general jurisdiction. Amending §§ 16.1-69.25 and 19.2-44. (Patron-Pogge, HB 138 (Chapter 310); Norment, SB 485 (Chapter 305))
Mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course; option for court in adjudicating defendants, license renewal. Amending §§ 16.1-69.48:1, 17.1-275, 38.2-2217, 46.2-322, and 46.2-330; adding § 46.2-943.1. (Patron-McWaters, SB 180 (F))
Mental health and criminal justice system; joint subcommittee to study. (Patron-Howell, SJR 16 (I) See SJR47)
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority; background checks of applicants, conditional offer of employment with Authority. Adding § 19.2-389.2. (Patron-Albo, HB 164 (Chapter 57))
Misdemeanors; expungement of criminal record for charges dismissed. Amending § 19.2-392.2. (Patron-Rasoul, HB 1154 (F))
Misdemeanors, certain; expungement of police and court records. Amending § 19.2-392.2. (Patron-Chafin, HB 385 (F))
Multi-jurisdiction grand juries; numerous changes to laws governing. Amending §§ 19.2-192, 19.2-215.1, 19.2-215.5, 19.2-215.6, and 19.2-215.9. (Patron-Loupassi, HB 56 (Chapter 389))
Multidisciplinary child sexual abuse response teams, local; attorney for the Commonwealth shall establish a team to conduct regular reviews of new and ongoing reports of felony sex offenses in the jurisdiction, Department of Criminal Justice Services shall disseminate sample guidelines for protocols, etc., that may be implemented by teams. Adding § 15.2-1627.5. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HB 334 (Chapter 780); McDougle, SB 421 (Chapter 801))
Multijurisdiction grand juries; cigarette trafficking offenses added to list of crimes that jury may investigate. Amending § 19.2-215.1. (Patron-Reeves, SB 366 (Chapter 534))
Offenses requiring registration; withdrawal of plea by certain defendants, indictment, warrant, or information that does not allege victim of offense was minor, physically helpless, or mentally incapacitated. Amending § 9.1-902. (Patron-Norment, SB 537 (Chapter 546))
Parole; hearing for nonviolent offenders whose crime was committed on or after January 1, 1995, and who have served 50 percent of their sentence. Amending §§ 19.2-11.01, 19.2-299, 19.2-315, 19.2-316.2, 19.2-316.3, 19.2-390, 53.1-40.10, 53.1-67.6, 53.1-133.03, 53.1-136, and 53.1-165.1; adding §§ 53.1-165.2 through 53.1-165.16. (Patron-Puckett, SB 661 (F))
Physician assistant; may testify as an expert witness in a court of law within scope of their activities as authorized under Virginia law, but may not testify against a defendant doctor, etc. Amending § 8.01-401.2. (Patron-Minchew, HB 191 (Chapter 391); Stuart, SB 185 (Chapter 361))
Plea agreements; upon rejection of agreement in any delinquency or criminal matter, recusal of judge from any further proceedings. Amending § 19.2-254; adding § 16.1-277.2. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HB 452 (Chapter 165))
Police and court records; circuit court may waive hearing in an expungement proceeding. Amending § 19.2-392.2. (Patron-Surovell, HB 982 (F))
Pretrial appeals; transcript or written statement of facts. Amending §§ 19.2-402 and 19.2-405. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HB 656 (Chapter 33); Stuart, SB 69 (Chapter 294))
Pretrial appeals by the Commonwealth; Class 1 misdemeanors. Amending § 19.2-398. (Patron-Hope, HB 196 (F))
Private security services businesses; exempt from training requirements established by Department of Criminal Justice Services, exemption not granted to persons whose employment was terminated due to misconduct or incompetence. Amending § 9.1-141. (Patron-Robinson, HB 609 (Chapter 32))
Procedures for notifying accused of certificate of analysis; increasing court efficiency in cases where testimony is presented via two-way video conferencing. Amending § 19.2-187.1. (Patron-Marshall, R.G., HB 274 (F))
Protective orders; court may include provisions prohibiting harm to a companion animal. Amending §§ 16.1-253, 16.1-253.1, 16.1-253.4, 16.1-279.1, 19.2-152.8, 19.2-152.9, and 19.2-152.10. (Patron-Watts, HB 624 (I) See HB972)
Protective orders; hearing to be held simultaneously with pending criminal action. Adding §§ 16.1-279.2 and 19.2-152.12. (Patron-Stanley, SB 625 (F))
Protective orders; person or petitioner issued possession of companion animal, if they meet definition of owner. Amending §§ 16.1-253, 16.1-253.1, 16.1-253.4, 16.1-279.1, 19.2-152.8, 19.2-152.9, and 19.2-152.10. (Patron-Cline, HB 972 (Chapter 346))
Protective orders, preliminary; changes standard for issuing by requiring that petitioner be subjected to act in furtherance of violence, force, or threat. Amending § 19.2-152.9. (Patron-Black, SB 659 (F))
Real estate licensees; an allegation made by plaintiff in civil proceeding that defendant licensee has engaged in untrue, deceptive, or misleading advertising, etc., shall be stated with particularity. Amending § 18.2-216. (Patron-Miller, HB 259 (Chapter 650); McDougle, SB 302 (Chapter 696))
Release of accused on bond; conditions of release. Amending § 19.2-123. (Patron-Obenshain, SB 501 (Chapter 466))
Safe days for employees; private employers to provide with pay, if employee or family member is victim of crime. Adding § 40.1-28.7:5. (Patron-Keam, HB 833 (F))
Search warrant; affidavit filed by law-enforcement officer. Amending § 19.2-54. (Patron-Bell, Richard P., HB 112 (F))
Search warrants; examination of object, thing, or person seized may be done in any jurisdiction. Amending § 19.2-53. (Patron-Webert, HB 50 (F))
Seized drugs and paraphernalia; court may order forfeiture to Department of Forensic Science, Department of State Police, or other law enforcement for research and training purposes and for destruction. Amending § 19.2-386.23. (Patron-Knight, HB 186 (Chapter 99); Cosgrove, SB 349 (Chapter 254))
Seized drugs and paraphernalia; forfeiture to Department of Forensic Science or law-enforcement agency for research and training purposes. Amending § 19.2-386.23. (Patron-Villanueva, HB 481 (I) See HB186)
Sexual and Domestic Violence Subfund; created, funding of sexual and domestic violence prevention, intervention, and prosecution. Adding § 19.2-368.18:1. (Patron-Howell, SB 4 (C))
Sexual battery; person guilty if within a two-year period, more than one complaining witness or one complaining witness on more than one occasion intentionally and without consent of complaining witness, penalty. Amending § 18.2-67.4. (Patron-Watts, HB 567 (Chapter 656))
Sexual crimes against minors; extends statute of limitations. Amending § 19.2-8. (Patron-Deeds, SB 255 (C))
Social services, local director of; may consent to treatment of minor in custody and collection of forensic evidence on behalf of minor if believed to be victim of sexual assault. Adding § 63.2-916. (Patron-Barker, SB 534 (F))
State employment; questions about criminal convictions, arrests, and charges. Adding § 2.2-2812.1. (Patron-Krupicka, HB 892 (F))
Summons; summons served upon defendant requests judgment for all amounts due as of date of hearing, unlawful detainer issued by magistrate or clerk or judge of general district court, amendment of amount due. Amending § 8.01-126. (Patron-Miller, HB 596 (Chapter 168))
Telecommunications records; warrant requirement for certain records to be retrieved. Amending §§ 18.2-152.17 and 19.2-70.3. (Patron-Carr, HB 817 (I) See HB17)
Temporary detention; time during which a person may be held, if emergency evaluation is required, district court judge, etc., upon advice of skilled person, may issue temporary order authorizing executing officer to place acquittee in appropriate institution not to exceed 72 hours. Amending §§ 19.2-169.6, 19.2-182.9, 37.2-809, and 37.2-814. (Patron-Barker, SB 115 (F))
Temporary detention; time during which a person may be held, person shall give facility 48 hours notice prior to leaving facility. Amending §§ 19.2-169.6, 19.2-182.9, 37.2-809, and 37.2-814. (Patron-Yost, HB 241 (F); Villanueva, HB 479 (F))
Temporary detention; time during which a person may be held, person shall give facility 72 hours notice prior to leaving facility. Amending §§ 19.2-169.6, 19.2-182.9, 37.2-809, and 37.2-814. (Patron-Ingram, HB 1125 (F); Hanger, SB 424 (I) See SB115)
Trafficking in persons; creates new felonies for forced labor or sexual servitude and adds new felonies as predicate criminal act under criminal gang statute, etc., report. Amending §§ 17.1-805, 18.2-46.1, 18.2-67.7, 18.2-346, 18.2-513, 19.2-11.2, 19.2-215.1, 19.2-305.1, and 19.2-386.32; adding §§ 2.2-224.2, 8.01-42.4, 9.1-116.2, 18.2-50.3, and 19.2-11.5. (Patron-McClellan, HB 716 (C))
Trafficking in persons; creates new felonies for forced labor or sexual servitude and adds new felonies as predicate criminal act under criminal gang statute, etc., Secretary of Public Safety to convene an anti-trafficking committee, report, Virginia Prevention of Human Trafficking Victim Fund created, penalties. Amending §§ 17.1-805, 18.2-46.1, 18.2-67.7, 18.2-346, 18.2-513, 19.2-11.2, 19.2-215.1, 19.2-305.1, and 19.2-386.32; adding §§ 2.2-224.2, 8.01-42.4, 9.1-116.2, 18.2-50.3, and 19.2-11.5. (Patron-Edwards, SB 373 (F))
Training, Committee on, within Department of Criminal Justice Services; increases membership. Amending § 9.1-112. (Patron-Head, HB 1002 (Chapter 83); Vogel, SB 391 (Chapter 535))
Unlawful photographs or videos; Class 6 felony for person to publish on Internet when made in violation of current law. Amending §§ 18.2-386.1 and 19.2-249.2. (Patron-Edwards, SB 93 (C))
Victims of crime; testimony using two-way closed-circuit television for certain offenses. Amending §§ 18.2-67.9 and 19.2-11.01. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HB 657 (F))
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; disclosure pursuant to court order or subpoena. Adding § 2.2-3703.1. (Patron-Surovell, HB 380 (Chapter 319))
Warrants; issuance by magistrate for arrest of certain persons. Amending § 19.2-71. (Patron-Stuart, SB 528 (F))
Witnesses; protection of identity. Adding § 19.2-269.3. (Patron-Ramadan, HB 1126 (C))
Witnesses; right to nondisclosure of certain information. Amending §§ 19.2-11.2 and 19.2-267. (Patron-Howell, SB 640 (Chapter 744))
Writ of actual innocence; additional petitions allowed based on new retroactive rules of constitutional law and changes in statute. Amending § 19.2-327.10. (Patron-Morrissey, HB 153 (F); Stanley, SB 171 (F))
Writ of actual innocence; petitions, bail hearings. Amending § 17.1-513; adding §§ 19.2-327.2:1 and 19.2-327.10:1. (Patron-Herring, HB 671 (C); Gilbert, HB 1189 (I) See HB671)
Writ of actual innocence; Supreme Court shall not accept a petition based on biological evidence from a petitioner pro se, exception. Amending § 19.2-327.3. (Patron-McClellan, HB 724 (F); Howell, SB 36 (C))
Writ of actual innocence; type of plea required for issuance. Amending §§ 19.2-327.2, 19.2-327.3, 19.2-327.10, and 19.2-327.11. (Patron-Herring, HB 598 (C))

2014 Cumulative Index of Bills, Joint Resolutions, and Resolutions - For additional information, please contact the House of Delegates Information and Public Relations Office, P. O. Box 406, State Capitol, Richmond, Virginia 23218, telephone (804) 698-1500.