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Convened January 12, 2011 -

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(P) Passed (F) Failed (V) Vetoed (I) Incoporated into other legislation
(C) Carried over from 2010 Session (CD) Carried over but died in committee on or before 12/2/2010
Constitutional amendment; conference committee report for general appropriation bills (first reference). Amending Section 11 of Article IV. (Patron-Wagner, SJR 92 (CD))
Constitutional amendment; contributions to defined benefit retirement plans maintained for state and local employees (first reference). Amending Section 11 of Article X. (Patron-Englin, HJR 680 (F); Howell, SJR 371 (F))
Constitutional amendment; establishes limitations on taking of private property for public uses (first reference). Amending Section 11 of Article I. (Patron-Loupassi, HJR 498 (I) See HJR693)
Constitutional amendment; establishes Virginia Redistricting Commission (first reference). Amending Section 6 of Article II. (Patron-Deeds, SJR 321 (F))
Constitutional amendment; establishment of charter schools (first reference). Amending Section 5 of Article VIII. (Patron-Obenshain, SJR 360 (F))
Constitutional amendment; forest harvesting and silvicultural activity equipment exempt from taxation (first reference). Amending Section 6 of Article X. (Patron-Hurt, SJR 95 (CD))
Constitutional amendment; free exercise of religion (first reference). Amending Section 16 of Article I. (Patron-Carrico, HJR 593 (F))
Constitutional amendment; General Assembly may agree to delay reconvened session for period of up to one week (first reference). Amending Section 6 of Article IV. (Patron-Englin, HJR 679 (Chapter 756))
Constitutional amendment; Governor’s term of office (first reference). Amending Section 1 of Article V. (Patron-Purkey, HJR 573 (F))
Constitutional amendment; imposition of taxes and fees by General Assembly or local governing body (first reference). Amending Section 11 of Article IV and Section 7 of Article VII. (Patron-Cole, HJR 539 (F))
Constitutional amendment; limitation on debt (first reference). Amending Section 9 of Article X. (Patron-Cole, HJR 613 (F); Saslaw, SJR 361 (F); Saslaw, SJR 396 (F))
Constitutional amendment; limits total on appropriations (first reference). Adding Section 7-B in Article X. (Patron-Athey, HJR 587 (F))
Constitutional amendment; limits total on appropriations in a year to preceding year’s total (first reference). Adding Section 7-B in Article X. (Patron-Loupassi, HJR 499 (F))
Constitutional amendment; marriage (first reference). Repealing Section 15-A of Article I. (Patron-Englin, HJR 638 (F))
Constitutional amendment; personal property tax exemption on boats and watercrafts (first reference). Amending Section 6 of Article X. (Patron-Stuart, SJR 344 (F))
Constitutional amendment; powers of General Assembly (first reference). Amending Section 14 of Article IV. (Patron-Habeeb, HJR 687 (F); McDougle, SJR 24 (CD))
Constitutional amendment; property tax relief for certain businesses (first reference). Amending Section 6 of Article X. (Patron-Stuart, SJR 69 (CD))
Constitutional amendment; religious or theological education for military chaplains (first reference). Amending Section 11 of Article VIII. (Patron-Greason, HJR 614 (F))
Constitutional amendment; repeal of state law or regulation by localities (first reference). Adding Section 16-A in Article IV. (Patron-Surovell, HJR 604 (F))
Constitutional amendment; restoration of civil rights to persons convicted of felonies who have completed service of their sentence (first reference). Amending Section 1 of Article II. (Patron-Dance, HJR 497 (F); Ware, O., HJR 524 (F); Carr, HJR 610 (F); Morrissey, HJR 634 (F))
Constitutional amendment; restoration of civil rights to persons convicted of nonviolent felonies and violent felonies who have completed service of their sentences, etc. (first reference). Amending Section 1 of Article II. (Patron-McEachin, SJR 306 (I) See SJR284)
Constitutional amendment; restoration of civil rights to persons convicted of nonviolent felonies who have completed service of their sentences (first reference). Amending Section 1 of Article II. (Patron-Herring, HJR 543 (F); Miller, Y.B., SJR 62 (CD); Miller, Y.B., SJR 284 (F))
Constitutional amendment; restriction on contents of a law that appropriates funds (first reference). Amending Section 11 of Article IV. (Patron-Marshall, R.G., HJR 496 (F))
Constitutional amendment; restriction on enactment of any law that appropriates funds (first reference). Amending Section 11 of Article IV. (Patron-Janis, HJR 615 (F))
Constitutional amendment; reversing present schedule of General Assembly sessions (first reference). Amending Section 6 of Article IV. (Patron-McDougle, SJR 401 (F))
Constitutional amendment; right to a secret ballot (first reference). Adding Section 6-A in Article I. (Patron-Martin, SJR 301 (F))
Constitutional amendment; right to work (first reference). Adding Section 11-A in Article I. (Patron-Bell, Richard P., HJR 500 (F); McDougle, SJR 323 (F))
Constitutional amendment; state and local budgets, limits on appropriations (first reference). Amending Section 7 of Article VII; adding Section 7-B in Article X. (Patron-Cole, HJR 540 (F))
Constitutional amendment; taking of private property for public uses (first reference). Amending Section 11 of Article I. (Patron-Crockett-Stark, HJR 515 (I) See HJR693; Obenshain, SJR 27 (CD); Obenshain, SJR 307 (F))
Constitutional amendment; taking or damaging of private property for public use (first reference). Amending Section 11 of Article I. (Patron-Bell, Robert B., HJR 647 (I) See HJR693; Joannou, HJR 693 (Chapter 757))
Constitutional amendment; tax exemptions for buildings, etc., constructed or designed to conserve energy and natural resources (second reference). Amending Section 6 of Article X. (Patron-Petersen, SJR 25 (CD))
Constitutional amendment; tax exemptions for buildings, etc., constructed or designed to conserve energy and natural resources (submitting to qualified voters). Amending Section 6 of Article X. (Patron-Petersen, SB 113 (CD))
Constitutional amendment; Transportation Fund, Transportation Trust Fund, and Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund (first reference). Adding Section 7-B in Article X. (Patron-Oder, HJR 511 (F); Obenshain, SJR 353 (F))
Constitutional amendment; Transportation Fund, Transportation Trust Fund, Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund, and Priority Transportation Fund (first reference). Adding Section 7-B in Article X. (Patron-Watts, HJR 572 (I) See HJR511; Newman, SJR 100 (CD); Norment, SJR 137 (CD); Norment, SJR 363 (F))
Constitutional amendment; two or more counties and cities may share one electoral board and general registrar (first reference). Amending Section 8 of Article II. (Patron-Martin, SJR 15 (CD); Martin, SJR 300 (F))

2011 Cumulative Index of Bills, Joint Resolutions, and Resolutions - For additional information, please contact the House of Delegates Information and Public Relations Office, P. O. Box 406, State Capitol, Richmond, Virginia 23218, telephone (804) 698-1500.