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Senate Committee on Rules
Subcommittee #1

Edwards (Chairman), Puckett, Quayle

Clerk: Susan Clarke Schaar/Patty Lung
Staff: Cheryl Jackson, Brenda Edwards
Date of Meeting: February 15, 2011
Time and Place: 10:00 a.m. -- 4th Floor East Conference Room

H.B. 1514

Patron: Orrock

Virginia Disability Commission.  Clarifies that the Virginia Disability Commission shall serve as the primary forum in the Commonwealth where the needs of and issues affecting people with physical and sensory disabilities are identified and addressed, and provides that the Commission shall serve as the primary body for coordinating proposals and recommendations of all commissions and agencies for legislation or budget actions affecting persons with physical and sensory disabilities, including receiving, reviewing, and responding to proposals and recommendations. The bill also provides that the Commission shall report its recommendations related to legislative priorities and policies for adoption or examination by the General Assembly to the General Assembly and the Governor by October 1 of each year.

H.B. 1540

Patron: Orrock

Duties of the Division of Legislative Services.  Clarifies that the Division of Legislative Services' annual report to the General Assembly will be submitted for the most recently completed calendar year as soon as practicable after the first day of the next regular session and that the report may be electronically transmitted to legislators via the legislative electronic information system. The annual report includes the status of all reports, actions, or data collection required by legislation enacted by the General Assembly or otherwise requested by the General Assembly of agencies and collegial bodies.

H.B. 1842

Patron: Cole

Boards, commissions and councils; membership; appointing authority; abolition.   Makes policy improvements and clarifications to several state boards, commissions, and councils including (i) establishing staggered terms for nonlegislative citizen members appointed by the Governor, (ii) clarifying the Governor's authority when provided lists of nominees by nongovernmental entities, and (iii) standardizing the terms of chairmen of entities appointed by the Governor to two years and limiting such appointees to two consecutive terms as chair. The bill contains technical amendments.

H.B. 2007

Patron: LeMunyon

Virginia Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation; powers and duties.  Removes participation in the Council on State Governments from the powers and duties of the Virginia Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation. 

H.B. 2010

Patron: Carrico

Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation. Creates the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation to replace the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Commission, which will cease to exist on July 1, 2011. The bill sets out the membership and powers and duties of the Foundation. The bill provides that the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation is the successor in interest to the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Commission, and further provides that members of the Commission serving terms shall continue their terms as members of the board of trustees of the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation. The bill contains technical amendments.

H.B. 2094

Patron: Jones

Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation.  Updates the primary duty of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation to conform with the agency's recently updated mission statement. The bill contains technical amendments and repeals an outdated Code section.

H.B. 2303

Patron: Brink

Joint Commission on Health Care; sunset.  Extends the sunset for the Joint Commission on Health Care from July 1, 2012, to July 1, 2013.

H.J.R. 512

Patron: Loupassi

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.  Designates November, in 2011 and in each succeeding year, as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in Virginia.

H.J.R. 561

Patron: Kory

Global Human Trafficking Awareness Day.  Designates January 11, in 2011 and in each succeeding year, as Global Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Virginia.

H.J.R. 570

Patron: Cox, M.K.

Study; Costs and benefits of providing financial and other incentives to localities; report. Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study the costs and benefits to the Commonwealth of providing financial and other incentives to localities that collaborate on capital facilities, construction projects, and other operating services.  The Commission must submit its report to the 2013 Session of the General Assembly.

H.J.R. 580

Patron: O'Bannon

Study; JLARC; payments for assisted living services; report.  Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study the third-party payments for assisted living services, including current payments and the potential for expanding eligibility of services for third-party payments, and also the relationship between third-party payments for services and eligibility for federal and state benefits.

H.J.R. 586

Patron: Alexander

Study; Bureau of Insurance; licensure of insurance agents; report.  Requests the Bureau of Insurance of the State Corporation Commission to continue to collect certain demographic and other information from producer licensing examination candidates during the four-year period from July 1, 2011, through July 1, 2015. The Bureau is further requested to continue making changes in the licensing examination process that will ensure that the licensing examinations are fair, unbiased, and designed to test entry-level knowledge regardless of the race, gender, or educational background of the candidate.

H.J.R. 596

Patron: Tyler

Corrections Officer Day.  Designates March 16, in 2011 and in each succeeding year, as Corrections Officer Day in Virginia.

H.J.R. 605

Patron: Cosgrove

National Offshore Wind Technology Center.  Expresses the support of the General Assembly for the establishment of a National Offshore Wind Technology Center in Hampton Roads, Virginia.

H.J.R. 608

Patron: Bell, Richard P.

Commemorating Veterans Day.  Commemorates Veterans Day on November 11, 2011, in Virginia with a moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. throughout the Commonwealth. Calls upon the Governor to lead and encourage citizens to pause for a moment of silence at the appointed time to honor and remember the sacrifices of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.

H.J.R. 622

Patron: Rust

Histiocytosis Awareness Month.  Designates September, in 2011 and in each succeeding year, as Histiocytosis Awareness Month in Virginia.

H.J.R. 623

Patron: Greason

Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month.  Designates September, in 2011 and in each succeeding year, as Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month in Virginia.

H.J.R. 625

Patron: Bell, Robert B.

Study; antibullying policies; report.  Requesting the Department of Education to study the nature and effectiveness of local school divisions' antibullying policies. In conducting its study, the Department of Education shall (i) review and compare antibullying measures in the student codes of conduct from each school division, (ii) compare existing policies with the Department's model policy for codes of student conduct, and (iii) determine if improvements to existing policies are warranted, in order to more effectively combat bullying in Virginia's public schools.

H.J.R. 632

Patron: Oder

Joint Commission on Health Care to study Shaken Baby Syndrome; report.  Directs the Joint Commission on Health Care to study the costs of Shaken Baby Syndrome and abusive head trauma in Virginia and identify best practices in reducing the incidence of Shaken Baby Syndrome and abusive head trauma.

H.J.R. 635

Patron: Kilgore

Study; insurance provisions of PPACA; report.  Directs the Joint Commission on Health Care to study the implementation of the insurance provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The joint subcommittee is directed to monitor the work of the Virginia Health Reform Initiative Council; monitor the actions of the State Corporation Commission in implementing the insurance provisions of PPACA; and make recommendations to appropriate public bodies regarding legislation necessary to implement such provisions of PPACA. The Commission must submit its report to the 2012 Session of the General Assembly.

H.J.R. 643

Patron: Comstock

Lyme Disease Awareness Month.  Designates May, in 2011 and in each succeeding year, as Lyme Disease Awareness Month in Virginia.

H.J.R. 645

Patron: Poindexter

Study; procurement and sharing of technology applications for local governments; report.  Requests the Secretary of Technology to study opportunities to facilitate cooperative procurement and sharing of custom technology applications to leverage buying power and create efficiencies for local government.

H.J.R. 646

Patron: Landes

Study; efficacy of year-round schools; report.  Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study the efficacy of year-round schools. In conducting its study, the Commission shall (i) review the Board of Education's procedure for approving year-round schools; (ii) determine which school divisions have implemented year-round schools and their experience with this alternative method of providing education; (iii) conduct a comprehensive analysis of each year-round school, scheduling format, instructional, and extracurricular programs offered, and number of students enrolled in the year-round school; (iv) consider the minimum number of required teaching days or hours that should constitute the length of a school term and the issues attendant thereto; (v) identify and review year-round schools offered by other states and countries, noting advantages and disadvantages; (vi) ascertain and weigh the essential factors that must be considered before implementing year-round schools statewide, including, but not limited to, instructional costs, transportation and special education services, and the need for additional classroom teachers, staff, and support services; (vii) evaluate the impact of changing the scheduling format on school functions and length of terms and school breaks; and (viii) consider and thoroughly vet other issues and matters related to year-round schools as the Commission may deem necessary to provide feasible and appropriate recommendations. Further, in conducting its study, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall seek and include classroom teachers, school administrators, parents, representatives of localities with and without year-round schools, the Virginia School Boards Association, the Virginia Association of School Superintendents, other educational organizations, and other persons with expertise in alternative educational programs and options in the Commission's deliberations.

The Commission must submit an executive summary to the 2012 Session of the General Assembly and its final report and recommendations to the 2013 Session of the General Assembly.

H.J.R. 648

Patron: Plum

Study; Amendments to the Uniform Statewide Building Code; report.  Requests the Department of Housing and Community Development, in cooperation with the Department of Rehabilitative Services, to study the feasibility and appropriateness of amendments to the Uniform Statewide Building Code to provide accessible routes for persons with disabilities into public and private buildings and facilities and promote universal features in dwelling units. The Departments must submit their joint findings and recommendations to the 2013 Session of the General Assembly.

H.J.R. 683

Patron: Filler-Corn

Designating Osteoporosis Awareness Day.  Designates May 10th, in 2011 and in each succeeding year, as Osteoporosis Awareness Day in Virginia.

H.J.R. 719

Patron: Greason

Patient Safety Day.  Recognizes February 2, 2011 as Patient Safety Day in Virginia.

H.J.R. 732

Patron: Howell, W.J.

Appointments by the Speaker of the House of Delegates.  Confirms appointments by the Speaker to the Board of the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy, the Board of Directors of the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System Authority, and the Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission.

H.J.R. 734

Patron: Comstock

Designating June 2, in 2011 and in each succeeding year, as Pope John Paul II's Pilgrimage to Poland Day in Virginia.  Designates June 2, in 2011 and in each year thereafter, as Pope John Paul II's Pilgrimage to Poland Day in Virginia to remember his historic pilgrimage to Communist Poland in 1979 and his courageous witness to human dignity, Christian hope, and religious liberty, which changed the world's spiritual and political landscapes.

H.J.R. 735

Patron: May

Study; Repatriation of manufacturing jobs.  Directs the Virginia Manufacturing Development Commission to develop a plan for repatriating manufacturing jobs and evaluating possible tax incentives. Report.

H.J.R. 767

Patron: Landes

Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of President Ronald Wilson Reagan.

S.J.R. 455

Patron: Petersen

Contributions of Turkish-American community of Virginia. Recognizes the contributions of the Turkish-American community of Virginia.

S.J.R. 460

Patron: Houck

Commemorating the life of Dr. James Leonard Farmer, Jr., and the 50th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides.  Recognizes the brave actions of Dr. James Leonard Farmer, Jr., and the Freedom Riders on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1961 Freedom Rides.