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MEETINGS (subject to change)

07/31/2410:00 a.m. Secretary of Labor Work Group on Workforce Development; Patrick Henry Building, East Reading Room, 1111 East Broad Street, Richmond

11:00 a.m. Virginia Minority Business Commission; House Appropriations Committee Room, 12th Floor, General Assembly Building (Agenda)

2:00 p.m. Joint Subcommittee on Block Grants; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building

2:00 p.m. Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates; Patrick Henry Building, East Reading Room, 1111 East Broad Street, Richmond
08/01/24 9:30 a.m. State Executive Council for The Children's Services Act - State and Local Advisory Team (SLAT); Suite 137, Richmond/Henrico Rooms, 1604 Santa Rosa Road, Richmond
08/02/24 3:00 p.m. Opioid Abatement Authority - Grants Committee; 500 Doswell Street, Farmville
08/08/2412:45 p.m. Chesapeake Bay Commission - Virginia Delegation Retreat; Northern Virginia 4-H Educational & Conference Center, Peter's Lodge, 600 4-H Center Drive, Front Royal (Agenda)
08/09/24 9:00 a.m. Chesapeake Bay Commission - Virginia Delegation Retreat; Shenandoah River State Park, Park Conference Room, 350 Daughter of Stars Drive, Bentonville (Agenda)

9:00 a.m. Central Virginia Regional Transportation Authority; PlanRVA, James River Boardroom, Suite 300, 424 Hull Street, Richmond
08/12/2410:00 a.m. Health Insurance Reform Commission; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building

2:00 p.m. Joint Meeting of House and Senate Committees for Courts of Justice; House Committee Room A, Room 008, General Assembly Building (Agenda) (committee info) (committee info)

2:00 p.m. Joint Meeting of Senate and House Committees for Courts of Justice; House Committee Room A, Room 008, General Assembly Building (Agenda) (committee info) (committee info)
08/14/2410:00 a.m. Joint Meeting of Senate Finance & Appropriations, House Appropriations, and House Finance Committees; House Room A, Room 008, Lower Level, General Assembly Building (committee info) (committee info) (committee info)

10:00 a.m. Joint Meeting of House Appropriations, Senate Finance & Appropriations, and House Finance Committees; House Room A, Room 008, Lower Level, General Assembly Building (committee info) (committee info) (committee info)

Upon Adj Joint Subcommittee on Tax Policy; Senate Finance & Appropriations Room, 13th Floor, General Assembly Building - 30 minutes upon adjournment of the Joint Meeting of the Money Committees

1:00 p.m. School Health Services Committee; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building
08/15/24 2:00 p.m. Virginia Disability Commission; House Room B, Room 205, General Assembly Building
08/19/24 2:00 p.m. Virginia Commission to End Hunger; House Committee Room B, Room 205, General Assembly Building
08/20/2410:00 a.m. Virginia Housing Commission - Local Land Use and Community Living Work Group; Senate Room C, Room 311, General Assembly Building

1:00 p.m. Commission to Study the History of the Uprooting of Black Communities by Public Institutions of Higher Education in the Commonwealth; House Committee Room B, Room 205, General Assembly Building
08/21/24 1:00 p.m. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission; House Room C, Room 206, General Assembly Building

1:00 p.m. Virginia Commission on Youth; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building

1:00 p.m. Joint Subcommittee to Study the Feasibility of Establishing the Virginia Gaming Commission; Senate Room B, Room 306, General Assembly Building
08/23/2410:30 a.m. Senator Frank M. Ruff, Jr. Center for Rural Virginia - Board of Trustees; Farm Bureau Headquarters, 12580 West Creek Parkway, Richmond
08/28/2410:00 a.m. Virginia Code Commission; House Room C, Room 206, General Assembly Building
09/03/24 1:00 p.m. Joint Commission on Technology and Science - Subcommittee on Artificial Intelligence; House South Subcommittee Room, Room 210, General Assembly Building
09/04/2410:00 a.m. Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission; Supreme Court Building, 5th Floor Conference Room, 100 North 9th
Street, Richmond

10:00 a.m. Virginia Housing Commission - Affordable Housing and Landlord/Tenant Law Work Group; Senate Room C, Room 311, General Assembly Building

10:00 a.m. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission - Tribute to Senator Yvonne Miller Work Group; Virtual Meeting
09/10/24TBD Behavioral Health Commission; location and time to be determined
09/16/2410:00 a.m. Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission; House Room B, Room 205, General Assembly Building

1:00 p.m. Joint Commission on Technology and Science - Subcommittee on Artificial Intelligence; House South Subcommittee Room, Room 210, General Assembly Building

1:00 p.m. House Appropriations; House Appropriations Committee Room, Room 1200, General Assembly Building (committee info)
09/17/24 9:30 a.m. Senate Finance and Appropriations; Senate Finance & Appropriations Room, 13th Floor, General Assembly Building (committee info)

12:30 p.m. House Appropriations - Historic Horse Racing Workgroup; House Appropriations Committee Room, Room 1200, General Assembly Building (committee info)

2:00 p.m. Virginia State Crime Commission; House Room A, Room 008, General Assembly Building
09/18/2410:00 a.m. Joint Commission on Health Care; House Room B, Room 205, General Assembly Building
09/25/24 2:00 p.m. Commission on Electric Utility Regulation; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building
10/01/24 2:00 p.m. Behavioral Health Commission; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building
10/07/2410:00 a.m. Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission; House Room C, Room 206, General Assembly Building

1:00 p.m. Joint Commission on Technology and Science - Subcommittee on Artificial Intelligence; House South Subcommittee Room, Room 210, General Assembly Building
10/15/24 9:30 a.m. Senate Finance and Appropriations; Senate Finance & Appropriations Room, 13th Floor, General Assembly Building (committee info)
10/21/2410:00 a.m. House Appropriations; House Appropriations Committee Room, Room 1200, General Assembly Building (committee info)
10/22/2410:00 a.m. American Revolution 250 Commission; House Room A, Room 008, General Assembly Building

10:30 a.m. Virginia Commission on Youth; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building

12:00 p.m. Virginia State Crime Commission; House Room B, Room 205, General Assembly Building
10/23/24 9:00 a.m. Joint Commission on Health Care - Executive Subcommittee; House Room C, Room 206, General Assembly Building

10:00 a.m. Joint Commission on Health Care; House Room C, Room 206, General Assembly Building
11/07/2410:00 a.m. Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission; Supreme Court Building, 5th Floor Conference Room, 100 North 9th
Street, Richmond

10:00 a.m. Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission; House Room C, Room 206, General Assembly Building
11/12/24 2:00 p.m. Behavioral Health Commission; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building
11/14/2412:00 p.m. Virginia State Crime Commission; House Room A, Room 008, General Assembly Building
11/18/2410:00 a.m. Virginia Housing Commission - Affordable Housing and Landlord/Tenant Law Work Group; Senate Room C, Room 311, General Assembly Building

1:00 p.m. Virginia Housing Commission - Local Land Use and Community Living Work Group; Senate Room C, Room 311, General Assembly Building
11/19/24 9:30 a.m. House Appropriations; Annual Meeting - location to be determined (committee info)
11/20/24 1:00 p.m. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission; House Room C, Room 206, General Assembly Building
11/21/24TBD Senate Finance and Appropriations Annual Meeting; time and location to be determined (committee info)
11/22/24TBD Senate Finance and Appropriations Annual Meeting; time and location to be determined (committee info)
11/25/2410:30 a.m. Virginia Commission on Youth; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building
11/26/2410:00 a.m. Commission on Electric Utility Regulation; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building
12/03/2410:00 a.m. Virginia-Israel Advisory Board; House South Subcommittee Room, Room 210, General Assembly Building

10:00 a.m. Virginia Housing Commission; Senate Room C, Room 311, General Assembly Building
12/09/2410:00 a.m. Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission; House Room C, Room 206, General Assembly Building
12/10/24 2:00 p.m. Behavioral Health Commission; Senate Room A, Room 305, General Assembly Building
12/16/2412:00 p.m. Virginia State Crime Commission; House Room A, Room 008, General Assembly Building
12/17/2410:00 a.m. Joint Commission on Health Care; House Room C, Room 206, General Assembly Building
12/18/24 9:30 a.m. Joint Meeting of Senate Finance & Appropriations, House Appropriations, and House Finance Committees; House Room A, Room 008, Lower Level, General Assembly Building (committee info) (committee info) (committee info)

9:30 a.m. Joint Meeting of House Appropriations, Senate Finance & Appropriations, and House Finance Committees; House Room A, Room 008, Lower Level, General Assembly Building (committee info) (committee info) (committee info)