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Offered January 18, 1999
A BILL to amend and reenact §§ 58.1-3128, 58.1-3526, and 58.1-3921 of the Code of Virginia, relating to procedures for the collection of local revenues.
Patron-- Johnson
Referred to Committee on Finance

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §§ 58.1-3128, 58.1-3526, and 58.1-3921 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 58.1-3128. Power to summon taxpayers and other persons; penalty.

A. The treasurer of a county, city or town may, for the purpose of collecting all taxes due, summon the taxpayer or any other person to appear before him at his office, to answer, under oath, questions touching the tax liability of any and all taxpayers and to produce documents relating to such tax liability, either or both. For the purposes of administering this section, treasurers and their deputies may administer oaths.

B. Any person who refuses to answer, under oath, questions touching any person's tax liability shall be deemed guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. Each days' refusal to answer such questions shall constitute a separate offense. Any court of competent jurisdiction may, upon the application of the treasurer or his deputy, compel the compliance of a taxpayer summoned or required to produce documents as required by this section.

C. Every writ, warrant, notice, summons or other process the treasurer is authorized to issue pursuant to general or local law shall be served pursuant to § 8.01-292 or by the treasurer or his deputy or designee, and shall be executed and returned in like manner as the civil process of a court of competent jurisdiction.

§ 58.1-3526. Payment to treasurers for tax year 1999 and thereafter.

A. For tax year 1999 and tax years thereafter, the Commonwealth shall pay to treasurers the amount specified in subdivisions B 2 through B 5 of § 58.1-3524 for each qualifying vehicle, if the conditions of this section are satisfied.

B. As provided by subsection E of § 58.1-3912, the treasurer shall include such amount as a deduction on the face of tangible personal property tax bills for qualifying vehicles and shall clearly designate such deduction as an amount to be paid by the Commonwealth. In addition to tangible personal property taxes levied on property other than qualifying vehicles, the taxpayer shall pay to the treasurer any payment due for the difference between tangible personal property taxes levied on a qualifying vehicle and such deduction. Within the certified personal property tax book provided to the treasurer pursuant to § 58.1-3118, the commissioner of the revenue shall identify each qualifying vehicle and its value, as defined in this chapter. On or before the date the certified personal property tax book required by § 58.1-3118 is provided to the treasurer, the commissioner of the revenue shall identify each qualifying vehicle and its value, as defined in this chapter. No further certification shall be required if the commissioner of the revenue has identified each such vehicle and its value within the personal property tax book.

C. Except as provided by subsection B of § 58.1-3528, upon full payment of the tangible personal property tax levied on a qualifying vehicle, less the amount of the deduction, as described in subsection B of this section, the treasurer shall make a request to the Commonwealth for payment of the amount equal to the amount specified in subdivisions B 2 through B 5 of § 58.1-3524 for the qualifying vehicle. Such request shall include a summary of the information appearing on the related tangible personal property tax bill. The summary information to be included in the request and the form of such request shall be prescribed by the Comptroller. Upon receipt of such information, the Comptroller shall issue the proper warrant for payment by the State Treasurer. If the Comptroller determines that a treasurer is unable to provide the summary information, he shall issue a warrant for payment to such treasurer in an amount equal to the estimate made by the Department under § 58.1-3529. Provided that the request for payment is received by the deadlines established and in the format prescribed by the Comptroller, he shall issue the warrant for payment no later than two business days after the receipt of the request from the treasurer.

D. 1. If a taxpayer is required to make a payment for the difference between the tangible personal property tax levied on a qualifying vehicle and the deduction as described in subsection B, the amount as determined under subdivisions B 2 through B 5 of § 58.1-3524 for such qualifying vehicle shall be paid by the Commonwealth to the treasurer at such times as are consistent with the treasurer's receipt of tangible personal property tax payments on qualifying vehicles as of January 1, 1998.

2. Except as provided in subdivision D 3, if a taxpayer is not required to return to the treasurer any payment of tangible personal property tax for a qualifying vehicle, the amount as determined under subdivisions B 2 through B 5 of § 58.1-3524 for such qualifying vehicle shall be paid by the Commonwealth to the treasurer over a four-week period. There shall be one equal payment in each week. The first payment shall be made four weeks prior to the county, city, or town's due date for tangible personal property taxes on qualifying vehicles as of January 1, 1998. However, the Comptroller shall not issue a warrant for payment unless he has received the certification described in § 58.1-3916.01.

3. If (i) a taxpayer is not required to return to the treasurer any payment of tangible personal property tax for a qualifying vehicle and (ii) the tangible personal property tax levy on such vehicle has been made as authorized under § 58.1-3516, the amount as determined under subdivisions B 2 through B 5 of § 58.1-3524 for such qualifying vehicle shall be paid by the Commonwealth to the treasurer at such times as are consistent with the treasurer's receipt of tangible personal property tax payments on qualifying vehicles as of January 1, 1998.

E. In addition to the summary information described in subsection C, the treasurer shall provide any additional information related to qualifying vehicles to the Department. Such additional information shall be prescribed in the guidelines promulgated under § 58.1-3532.

§ 58.1-3921. Treasurer to make out lists of uncollectable taxes and delinquents.

The treasurer, after ascertaining which of the taxes and levies assessed at any time in his county or city have not been collected, shall, not later than August 1 in each year within sixty days of the end of the fiscal year, make out lists as follows:

1. A list of real estate on the commissioner's land book improperly placed thereon or not ascertainable, with the amount of taxes charged thereon.

2. A list of other real estate which is delinquent for the nonpayment of the taxes thereon. This list shall not include any taxes listed under numbers 4 or 5 of this section.

3. A list of such of the taxes assessed on tangible personal property, machinery and tools and merchants' capital, and other subjects of local taxation, other than real estate, as he was unable to collect which are delinquent. This list shall not include any taxes listed under numbers 4 or 5 of this section.

4. A list of the uncollected taxes amounting to less than five dollars each for which no bills were sent under § 58.1-3912.

5. A list of uncollected balances of previously billed taxes amounting to less than five dollars each as to which the treasurer has determined that the costs of collecting such balances would exceed the amount recoverable, provided that the treasurer shall not include on such list any balance with respect to which he has reason to believe that the taxpayer has purposely paid less than the amount due and owing.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no tax or levy which has been discharged or otherwise rendered legally uncollectable as to a taxpayer liable upon it in a proceeding under the United States Bankruptcy Code (Title 11 of the United States Code) shall be considered delinquent with respect to that taxpayer on and after the date such obligation is discharged or otherwise rendered legally uncollectable, and the treasurer shall not include any such discharged or uncollectable obligation in any list required to be prepared pursuant to this section. Any such discharged or uncollectable obligation shall be stricken from the books of the treasurer as of the date the obligation is discharged or otherwise rendered uncollectable, and the treasurer thereafter shall have no further duty to collect such tax or levy.

The governing body of any town may, by ordinance, adopt the procedures set forth in this section and § 58.1-3924. If such ordinance is adopted, the town treasurer shall submit such lists to the governing body as provided in § 58.1-3924.