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An Act to amend and reenact §§ 58.1-3503 and 58.1-3506 of the Code of Virginia, relating to separate classifications of tangible personal property.
[H 2314]

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §§ 58.1-3503 and 58.1-3506 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 58.1-3503. General classification of tangible personal property.

A. Tangible personal property is classified for valuation purposes according to the following separate categories which are not to be considered separate classes for rate purposes:

1. Farm animals, except as exempted under § 58.1-3505.

2. Farm machinery, except as exempted under § 58.1-3505.

3. Automobiles, except those described in subdivisions 7, 8 and 9 of this subsection, which shall be valued by means of a recognized pricing guide or if the model and year of the individual automobile are not listed in the recognized pricing guide, the individual vehicle may be valued on the basis of percentage or percentages of original cost. In using a recognized pricing guide, the commissioner shall use either of the following two methods. The commissioner may use all applicable adjustments in such guide to determine the value of each individual automobile, or alternatively, if the commissioner does not utilize all applicable adjustments in valuing each automobile, he shall use the base value specified in such guide which may be either average retail, wholesale, or loan value, so long as uniformly applied within classifications of property. If the model and year of the individual automobile are not listed in the recognized pricing guide, the taxpayer may present to the commissioner proof of the original cost, and the basis of the tax for purposes of the motor vehicle sales and use tax as described in § 58.1-2405 shall constitute proof of original cost. If such percentage or percentages of original cost do not accurately reflect fair market value, or if the taxpayer does not supply proof of original cost, then the commissioner may select such other another method which establishes fair market value.

4. Trucks of less than two tons, which may be valued by means of a recognized pricing guide or, if the model and year of the individual truck are not listed in the recognized pricing guide, on the basis of a percentage or percentages of original cost.

5. Trucks and other vehicles, as defined in § 46.2-100, except those described in subdivisions 4, and 6 through 10 of this subsection, which shall be valued by means of either a recognized pricing guide using the lowest value specified in such guide or a percentage or percentages of original cost.

6. Manufactured homes, as defined in § 36-85.3, which may be valued on the basis of square footage of living space.

7. Antique motor vehicles, as defined in § 46.2-100.

8. Taxicabs.

9. Motor vehicles with specially designed equipment for use by the handicapped, which shall not be valued in relation to their initial cost, but by determining their actual market value if offered for sale on the open market.

10. Motorcycles, campers and other recreational vehicles, which shall be valued by means of a recognized pricing guide or a percentage or percentages of original cost.

11. Boats weighing under five tons and boat trailers, which shall be valued by means of a recognized pricing guide or a percentage or percentages of original cost.

12. Boats or watercraft weighing five tons or more, which shall be valued by means of a percentage or percentages of original cost.

13. Aircraft, which shall be valued by means of a recognized pricing guide or a percentage or percentages of original cost.

14. Household goods and personal effects, except as exempted under § 58.1-3504.

15. Tangible personal property used in a research and development business, which shall be valued by means of a percentage or percentages of original cost.

16. Programmable computer equipment and peripherals used in business which shall be valued by means of a percentage or percentages of original cost to the taxpayer, or by such other method as may reasonably be expected to determine the actual fair market value.

17. All tangible personal property employed in a trade or business other than that described in subdivisions 1 through 16 of this subsection, which shall be valued by means of a percentage or percentages of original cost.

18. All other tangible personal property.

B. Methods of valuing property may differ among the separate categories, so long as each method used is uniform within each category, is consistent with requirements of this section and may reasonably be expected to determine actual fair market value. A commissioner of revenue shall upon request take into account the condition of the property. The term "condition of the property" includes, but is not limited to, technological obsolescence of property where technological obsolescence is an appropriate factor for valuing such property. The commissioner of revenue shall make available to taxpayers on request a reasonable description of his valuation methods. Such commissioner, or other assessing officer, or his authorized agent, when using a recognized pricing guide as provided for in this section, may automatically extend the assessment if the pricing information is stored in a computer.

§ 58.1-3506. Other classifications of tangible personal property for taxation.

A. The items of property set forth below are each declared to be a separate class of property and shall constitute a classification for local taxation separate from other classifications of tangible personal property provided in this chapter:

1. Boats or watercraft weighing five tons or more;

2. Aircraft having a maximum passenger seating capacity of no more than fifty which are owned and operated by scheduled air carriers operating under certificates of public convenience and necessity issued by the State Corporation Commission or the Civil Aeronautics Board;

3. All other aircraft not included in subdivision A 2 and flight simulators;

4. Antique automobiles as defined in § 46.2-100;

5. Tangible personal property used in a research and development business;

6. Heavy construction machinery, including but not limited to land movers, bulldozers, front-end loaders, graders, packers, power shovels, cranes, pile drivers, forest harvesting equipment and ditch and other types of diggers;

7. Generating equipment purchased after December 31, 1974, for the purpose of changing the energy source of a manufacturing plant from oil or natural gas to coal, wood, wood bark, wood residue, or any other alternative energy source for use in manufacturing and any cogeneration equipment purchased to achieve more efficient use of any energy source. Such generating equipment and cogeneration equipment shall include, without limitation, such equipment purchased by firms engaged in the business of generating electricity or steam, or both;

8. Vehicles without motive power, used or designed to be used as manufactured homes as defined in § 36-85.3;

9. Computer hardware used by businesses primarily engaged in providing data processing services to other nonrelated or nonaffiliated businesses;

10. Privately owned pleasure boats and watercraft used for recreational purposes only;

11. Privately owned vans with a seating capacity for twelve or more persons used exclusively pursuant to a ridesharing arrangement as defined in § 46.2-1400;

12. Motor vehicles specially equipped to provide transportation for physically handicapped individuals;

13. Motor vehicles (i) owned by members of a volunteer rescue squad or volunteer fire department or (ii) leased by members of a volunteer rescue squad or volunteer fire department if the member is obligated by the terms of the lease to pay tangible personal property tax on the motor vehicle. One motor vehicle which is owned by each volunteer rescue squad member or volunteer fire department member, or leased by each volunteer rescue squad member or volunteer fire department member if the member is obligated by the terms of the lease to pay tangible personal property tax on the motor vehicle, may be specially classified under this section, provided the volunteer rescue squad member or volunteer fire department member regularly responds to emergency calls. The volunteer shall furnish the commissioner of revenue, or other assessing officer, with a certification by the chief or head of the volunteer organization, that the volunteer is a member of the volunteer rescue squad or fire department who regularly responds to calls or regularly performs other duties for the rescue squad or fire department, and the motor vehicle owned or leased by the volunteer rescue squad member or volunteer fire department member is identified. The certification shall be submitted by January 31 of each year to the commissioner of revenue or other assessing officer; however, the commissioner of revenue or other assessing officer shall be authorized, in his discretion, and for good cause shown and without fault on the part of the member, to accept a certification after the January 31 deadline. In any county which prorates the assessment of tangible personal property pursuant to § 58.1-3516, a replacement vehicle may be certified and classified pursuant to this subsection when the vehicle certified as of the immediately prior January date is transferred during the tax year;

14. Motor vehicles (i) owned by auxiliary members of a volunteer rescue squad or volunteer fire department or (ii) leased by auxiliary members of a volunteer rescue squad or volunteer fire department if the member is obligated by the terms of the lease to pay tangible personal property tax on the motor vehicle. One motor vehicle which is regularly used by each auxiliary volunteer fire department or rescue squad member may be specially classified under this section. The auxiliary member shall furnish the commissioner of revenue, or other assessing officer, with a certification by the chief or head of the volunteer organization, that the volunteer is an auxiliary member of the volunteer rescue squad or fire department who regularly performs duties for the rescue squad or fire department, and the motor vehicle is identified as regularly used for such purpose; however, if a volunteer rescue squad or fire department member and an auxiliary member are members of the same household, that household shall be allowed only one special classification under this subdivision or subdivision 13 of this section. The certification shall be submitted by January 31 of each year to the commissioner of revenue or other assessing officer; however, the commissioner of revenue or other assessing officer shall be authorized, in his discretion, and for good cause shown and without fault on the part of the member, to accept a certification after the January 31 deadline;

15. Motor vehicles owned by a nonprofit organization and used to deliver meals to homebound persons or provide transportation to senior or handicapped citizens in the community to carry out the purposes of the nonprofit organization;

16. Privately owned camping trailers and motor homes as defined in § 46.2-100 which are used for recreational purposes only;

17. One motor vehicle owned and regularly used by a veteran who has either lost, or lost the use of, one or both legs, or an arm or a hand, or who is blind or who is permanently and totally disabled as certified by the Department of Veterans' Affairs. In order to qualify the veteran shall provide a written statement to the commissioner of revenue or other assessing officer from the Department of Veterans' Affairs that the veteran has been so designated or classified by the Department of Veterans' Affairs as to meet the requirements of this section, and that his disability is service-connected. For purposes of this section a person is blind if he meets the provisions of § 46.2-739;

18. Motor vehicles owned by persons who have been appointed to serve as auxiliary police officers pursuant to Article 4 (§ 15.1-159.2 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 15.1. One motor vehicle which is regularly used by each auxiliary police officer to respond to auxiliary police duties may be specially classified under this section. In order to qualify for such classification any auxiliary police officer who applies for such classification shall identify the vehicle for which this classification is sought, and shall furnish the commissioner of revenue or other assessing officer with a certification from the governing body which has appointed such auxiliary police officer or from the official who has appointed such auxiliary officers. That certification shall state that the applicant is an auxiliary police officer who regularly uses a motor vehicle to respond to auxiliary police duties, and it shall state that the vehicle for which the classification is sought is the vehicle which is regularly used for that purpose. The certification shall be submitted by January 31 of each year to the commissioner of revenue or other assessing officer; however, the commissioner of revenue or other assessing officer shall be authorized, in his discretion, and for good cause shown and without fault on the part of the member, to accept a certification after the January 31 deadline;

19. Machines and tools owned by a commercial air carrier which uses such machines and tools in a commercial airline maintenance, repair, and rebuilding facility, which has an assessed value of at least $100,000,000 and which is located on or contiguous to an airport;

20. Motor vehicles which use clean special fuels as defined in § 58.1-2101;

21. Wild or exotic animals kept for public exhibition in an indoor or outdoor facility which is properly licensed by the federal government, the Commonwealth, or both, and which is properly zoned for such use. "Wild animals" means any animals which are found in the wild, or in a wild state, within the boundaries of the United States, its territories or possessions. "Exotic animals" means any animals which are found in the wild, or in a wild state, and are native to a foreign country;

22. Furniture, office, and maintenance equipment, exclusive of motor vehicles, which are owned and used by an organization whose real property is assessed in accordance with § 58.1-3284.1 and which is used by that organization for the purpose of maintaining or using the open or common space within a residential development; and

23. Motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers with a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or more used to transport property for hire by a motor carrier engaged in interstate commerce. ;

24. All tangible personal property employed in a trade or business other than that described in subdivisions A 1 through 18 of § 58.1-3503; and

25. Programmable computer equipment and peripherals employed in a trade or business.

B. The governing body of any county, city or town may levy a tax on the property enumerated in subsection A at different rates from the tax levied on other tangible personal property. The rates of tax and the rates of assessment shall (i) for purposes of subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 through 18, and 20 through 22, 24 and 25 of subsection A, not exceed that applicable to the general class of tangible personal property, (ii) for purposes of subdivisions A 5, A 7, A 19, and A 23, not exceed that applicable to machinery and tools, and (iii) for purposes of subdivision A 8, equal that applicable to real property.