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An Act to amend and reenact § 22.1-260 of the Code of Virginia, relating to student social security numbers.
[H 1716]
Approved March 18, 2003

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That § 22.1-260 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 22.1-260. Reports of children enrolled and not enrolled; nonattendance; social security numbers required.

A. Within ten 10 days after the opening of the school, each public school principal shall report to the division superintendent:

1. The name, age and grade of each pupil student enrolled in the school, and the name and address of the pupil's student's parent or guardian; and

2. To the best of the principal's information, the name of each child subject to the provisions of this article who is not enrolled in school, with the name and address of the child's parent or guardian.

B. At the end of each school year, each public school principal shall report to the division superintendent the number of pupils students by grade level for whom a conference was scheduled as required by § 22.1-258. The division superintendent shall compile such grade level information for the division and provide such information to the Superintendent of Public Instruction annually.

C. For the purposes of this section, each student shall present a federal social security number within ninety 90 days of his enrollment. The Board of Education shall, after consulting with the Social Security Administration, promulgate guidelines for determining which individuals students are eligible to obtain social security numbers. In any case in which an individual a student is ineligible, pursuant to these guidelines, to obtain a social security number or the parent is unwilling to present such number, the superintendent or his designee may assign another identifying number to the student or waive this requirement.